Help us preventing agricultural land abandonment in Hostalets de Pierola

Finished 29 / 01 / 2024
$ 14,839
$ 7,602
$ 19,548
99 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Guided tour to discover our agricultural project

    Come and get to know La Beneta and its surroundings. We'll show you the farm and explain the characteristics of the organic farming we practice and how we take care of our crops. An experience to enjoy the day with the family in the privileged environment where we are, Mediterranean climate and crops right in front of the south face of Montserrat.

    We give you our deepest thanks for your support!

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Showcooking and guided tour of La Beneta

    A showcooking is a live cooking demonstration, in which Gemma, our official cook, will make different recipes with La Beneta and local products to give you ideas and teach you how to prepare healthy and balanced dishes. The session will also include an explanation of the nutrition of each of the foods that make up the preparations.

    In addition, you will also have:

    • Guided tour in La Beneta farm

    And our deep gratitude for your support!

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 87

    Tasting of La Beneta products and totebag

    A guided tasting of olive oil and fruits produced in our farm in a small format in which you'll learn, play and compare tastes and smells that come directly from the earth.

    In addition, you will also have:

    • La Beneta totebag
    • Guided tour in La Beneta farm
    • La Beneta's show cooking

    And our deep gratitude for your support!

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 130

    Basket of the first harvest of the Beneta with totebag!

    You can enjoy a basket of our first fruit harvest. With this contribution you can pick up your basket in La Beneta, or we can take it home if you live in Piera or Hostalets.

    In addition, you will also have:

    • La Beneta totebag
    • Guided visit to the La Beneta estate
    • La Beneta's show cooking
    • Commented tasting of products

    And our deep gratitude for your support!

    *We can manage shippings if you live further away.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 217

    Pack of olive oil from our first harvest!

    The first olive oil coming from our first harvest, in November 2024 will be for you!

    In addition, you will also have:

    • La Beneta T-shirt in your size
    • Fruit basket of the first harvest (May-June 2024)
    • La Beneta totebag
    • Guided visit to the La Beneta estate
    • La Beneta's show cooking
    • Commented tasting of products

    And our deep gratitude for your support!

    *You can pick up your products in La Beneta, or we can take it home if you live in Piera or Hostalets.
    We can manage shippings if you live further away.

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 652

    Honorary friend of La Beneta and gift vouchers for La Beneta experiences

    We are infinitely grateful for your effort and your desire to get involved in the project. You will be a patron and honorary friend of La Beneta, you will have gift vouchers for the rural experiences we create at La Beneta.

    In addition, you will also have:

    • La Beneta T-shirt in your size
    • Pack of first pressing oils (November-December 2024)
    • Fruit basket of the first harvest (May-June 2024)
    • La Beneta totebag
    • Guided visit to the La Beneta estate
    • La Beneta's show cooking
    • Commented tasting of products

    And our deep gratitude for your support!

    *You can pick up your products in La Beneta, or we can take it home if you live in Piera or Hostalets.
    We can manage shippings if you live further away.

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

The young people of La Beneta want to make an ecological agricultural farm viable and carry out an environmental education project

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Planting peach and apricot trees
Planting young and drought-resistant trees is essential for the viability of the project. There are fields on the farm where the trees are dead or unproductive due to the great drought that is affecting us. Planting peach and apricot trees with a drought-resistant foot will help us be more resilient in the future. Having more plantations is also key to making the business viable. There will be 460 peach trees and 310 apricot trees. We will reap the benefits, if all goes well, in four or five years.
$ 5,973
Cost of patronage, taxes and fees
Organizing the patronage we will have to deal with the taxes for each of the contributions, plus 5% of Goteo platform fee, the bank commission and the production of the entire campaign.
$ 1,629
Protection against wild boar and roe deer
The imbalance in the wildlife has led to the proliferation of wild boars and roe deer, which cause many problems for the survival of fruit trees. Managing to close the farm with electrified fences or electric shepherds would be a way to avoid the damage done by the beasts on the fruit trees.
$ 5,430
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Preventive treatments of organic farming
Farms managed organically need much more prevention against pests and diseases that can affect the plantations, since harmful products that kill the living being that causes the problem cannot be applied. Preventive treatments, which start with having a high ground with nutrients and a well-regulated biodiversity, have a cost that we have to cover from day one.
$ 3,258
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Administrative work
One of the great dramas of farming is the huge amount of paperwork and management that must be done, many of them paying, in order to create and start an agricultural activity.
$ 3,258
Total $ 7,602 $ 19,548

General information

The average age of the heads of agricultural projects in Catalonia is 62.5 years old. A decade from now, many farmers will be retired, and many of them lack a generational successor to continue working the land.

La Beneta is the agricultural project of Marta Valls, Pepe González and Gemma Raventós: we are three young people who have decided to take over the organic fruit and olive farm of the farmer Joan Raventós in Hostalets de Pierola. We want to avoid the loss of agricultural hectares in the village were we were born, create a respectful project with the enviorment and make known the importance of agriculture for the preservation of our rural and ecological environment.

The sector is at a critical juncture, mainly due to the low profitability of agricultural farms, because of the power of large producers and distributors when setting prices. Most of the family farming projects have disappeared or have a good chance of disappearing in the coming years. Seeing that the trees that had been part of our environment were about to be abandoned - Joan was retiring and had no one wanting to continue the business - so, we decided that we didn't want that to happen.

The agricultural activity practiced on an extensive, with organic basis and in family-sized business structures has positive environmental consequences for the environment. We firmly believe that small farming is an essential actor in the fight against climate change and the environmental management of rural areas. In addition, with its disappearance, Catalonia and Europe face a difficulty in the supply of local and sustainable products, the loss of cultural identities and agricultural traditions and the problem of managing the environment of the rural or mountain areas.

If there are no farmers, who should take care of forests, flora and fauna, roads and forest fire prevention? The globalized market and an economic model that exploits the land intensively has disconnected us from the countryside. The small farming model collides head-on with intensive food production that destroys biodiversity, and abuses farmers who work the land. We believe that making projects like La Beneta possible is a political and environmental action for the future.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

To make the Beneta a real fact we need to face an investment that is too big for our individual financial capacity, and since we strongly think that the project is worth it beyond our personal interest we ask you to join us. The rewards are designed so that we can meet and together generate a space of knowledge of farming.

The specific objective of the campaign is to finance the first major investment we have: Planting young, drought-resistant trees is essential for the viability of the project. There are fields on the farm where the trees are dead or unproductive due to the great drought that is affecting us. Planting peach and apricot trees with a drought-resistant foot will help us be more resilient in the future. There will be 460 peach trees and 310 apricot trees. We will reap the rewards, if all goes well, in four or five years.

As far as Beneta is concerned, it is - or wants to be - work in the field in the world of the 21st century. And it has as its founding objectives:

  • Taking over an agricultural project built with a lot of love, thus avoiding its abandonment.

  • Improve the quality of the land we work on, take care of it to return the organic matter and biodiversity it had before the implementation of chemical and pesticide agriculture.

  • Offer local and quality food products to the local market.

  • Manage the environment in which we work: maintain paths, banks, water courses, and firebreaks against fires.

  • Help pollinators, giving them shelter and food, keys to maintaining biodiversity.

  • Carry out educational work to extend the knowledge of the rural and agricultural environment to children and adults.

  • And, obviously, to live in a dignified way as farmers.

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Why this is important

The project is aimed at all those who want to support local and organic food production, to build a food production and distribution system that is much more respectful for the environment and the people who produce it. Sustainability happens to feed us eating food coming from the place where we live and make the lives of those who lend us the essential goods (whatever they may be) dignified.

At La Beneta we also want to provide knowledge about farming, land management and knowledge of the environment, so being there can be a fun and educational option for those who want to know more about nature and farming through the various activities that we will organize throughout the year.

Team and experience

Who are we?

  • Joan Raventós: he is the soul of the project. He started planting fruit trees when he decided stoping farming vines, the traditional and majority crop in the region, he thought would always have his hands tied with the big wineries, which have the power to set grape prices. Joan wanted to be a farmer, but a farmer as free as possible. Eighteen years ago, following the great respect he has for the earth and nature, he started working in an organic way.

  • Marta Valls: journalist and lover of the Arab world, she has also always been very attached to the land and the environment where she grew up, in Hostalets de Pierola. She wants to turn La Beneta into her life project, as a way to take care of the earth, the trees and thus feel connected to life and its cycles. She also loves to explain and share what she knows, and she wants to do it with this agricultural project she is just starting.

  • Pepe González: farmer at heart for years. Being tied to the territory and becoming a farmer is what he had always dreamed of, but the difficulties he had encountered whenever he had tried made him believe that it was not possible to dedicate himself to farming without coming from a farming family . A kind worker, he puts his enthusiasm into carrying out the project.

  • Gemma Raventós: Joan's youngest daughter and in charge of social media and marketing for La Beneta. Her role is not and will not be farming, but her love for nature and for her father's project have encouraged her to become part of La Beneta driving group. The creativity it brings is essential to move forward with a business - of any type - nowadays.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption