Cooperative space with workshops, shop and gastronomic space

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Filed on 07 / 07 / 2024
$ 6,577
$ 23,576
$ 40,036
49 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Thanks + Modulark

    We are very grateful, we are pleased that you have contributed to advancing this collective project. (Thank you on the web and on the sheet).
    Game of simulation letters for the creation of life and work projects.
    *Remember that each donation has an automatic tax deduction of 30 to 80% of your contribution. Here you can calculate it:

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Go ahead and dot

    We are very grateful, we are pleased that it has helped to promote this collective project. (Thanks to the place and the sheet).
    *Remember that each donation to an automatic tax deduction of 30 to 80% of your contribution. Here you can calculate it:

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Agraïment + Sauna per 5 persones

    T'endús la nostra infinita gratitud, el plaer d'haver ajudat a tirar endavant aquest projecte col·lectiu. (Agraïments a la web i a la làmina) i un matí o tarda al jardí amb Sauna inclosa. Es podrà fer efectiu a partir del novembre de 2023.
    *Recorda que tota donació té una desgravació fiscal automàtica d'entre el 30 i un 80% de la teva aportació. Pots calcular-lo aquí:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Thank you + ticket for the opening ceremony lunch

    We are very grateful, we are pleased that you wanted to contribute to advancing this collective project. (Thanks to the place and the blade). And the lunch ticket for the opening ceremony, on Sunday, November 10.
    *Remember that each donation to an automatic tax deduction of 30 to 80% of your contribution. Here you can calculate it:

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Thanks + Drawing of a batch of products linked to the project

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet)
    And a participation in the draw for a lot of products made in Sequoia or projects close to ours.

    • Basket valued with 50 euros according to temporality and availability. The draw will be made once this campaign has been successfully closed. It will also be broadcast online. We will notify on social networks.
      *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:
    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Thanks + Lamina

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a very soft sheet of its own design. Includes shipment.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Thank you + Bag and sheet

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet), the sheet (see above) and a cloth bag with design of the Sequoia. Includes shipment.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 5% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on availability in the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Thank you + Day to get to know the Sequoia (Visit to the project + lunch + round table on living in community)

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) + Morning visit to the different spaces of the Sequoia, as well as the explanation of the project. Then we will have a community lunch to share good food and inspiring ideas. Afternoon round table about the community in our day to day.
    For two people, in sessions of 10 places.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 10% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on the availability of the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Thanks + 10 loaves

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and 10 loaves or products of the Sequoia oven with value of 50 euros. It can be made effective throughout the following year after the end of the Goteo.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 217

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 20% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on the availability of the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 326

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 30% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on the availability of the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 543

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 50% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on the availability of the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 543

    Agraïment + sopar o dinar per entitats

    T'endús la nostra infinita gratitud, el plaer d'haver ajudat a tirar endavant aquest projecte col·lectiu. (Agraïments a la web i a la làmina) i val per un dinar o sopar per 25 persones begudes a part.
    Menú 1: Pizzes sequoianes, amanida i iogurt artesà.
    Menú 2: Carn de les Gambires a la brasa, pa amb tomaquet i amanida.
    Es podrà fer efectiu entre el novembre de 2024 i el juny de 2025.
    *Recorda que tota donació té una desgravació fiscal automàtica d'entre el 30 i un 80% de la teva aportació. Pots calcular-lo aquí:


    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

We are decided to enter at a new phase, explains the reason of this project and open his doors.

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Hiring leading people from the New Phase
To date, the people who have supported the project have done so without an employment contract. We want these people to be hired by the entity. With this contribution from the budget collected with crowdfunding, we will be able to sustain the social security part for 10 months, until the resolution of the Singular grants of 2024, to which we will present ourselves.
$ 1,302
50% Technical engineering project
We need the technical project for us to be granted a work permit.
$ 4,721
Goteo and Bank Commissions (6.8%)
Making this camp possible involves Goteo and other commissions.
$ 1,276
Work to place the wooden floor in the Annex Room.
$ 1,085
Advanced engineering project
With this project we will know where to walk, the project is large and complex, and they have recommended that we do it.
$ 2,171
Entrance door to the courtyard
Many of the people who frequent the Sequoia have wished this improvement, renewing the access door to the Sequoia courtyard. We believe that the time has come. It includes the work of carpentry and torneria. The material will come out of the garden of Sequoia.
$ 1,628
Campaign for the Ecosocial Transition in the Ges Valley 2025-2027
We want to collaborate with the Ecosocial promotion of the Vall de Ges in collaboration with the environmental commission of the town where we are in Sant Vicenç de Torelló, of which we have participated since this year. The proposal is to be defined, it can include games, Earth network fair, simulations of future scenarios, discussions, debates. The money will be used for the transport of the facilitators and for sinking for the participants.
$ 1,085
Commissions Goteo and bank (6,8%), for the optimal
Make possible this campnaya implies some expenses of Goteo and other commissions.
$ 1,048
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Material for the ceiling insulation of the bread workshop and the annex room
It includes the Kerdi (surround insulation material), the joints, the glue and the mortar, on two roofs.
$ 1,736
Work material for the community kitchen workshop
Cement, tiles, ignifug plate to obtain the license.
$ 10,853
Value of offered rewards
$ 1,519
Wooden floor floor of the Annex Room and structure where to assemble it
The floor of the annex room is not there, it was all corked and damaged by the leaks that had existed for years. We have to make a land and we have chosen to do another similar thing to what was already there.
$ 1,519
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Exhibitor refrigerated
Glass door fridge for cooperative store
$ 1,020
Double bite for the canning workshop
Anyone who has been in the old shop of the bread of the Sequoia, the current one of the preserves knows that it would be a great advance if there were a sink in condition.
$ 1,147
Autoclave, canning sterilizer
LS-LD food autoclave, canning sterilization system
$ 7,923
Total $ 23,576 $ 40,036

General information

After 10 years of experience, we believe that it is time to give more functionality to the cooperative spaces of La Sequoia and thus open them to the people and the world. Our intention is to create three shared workshops (one of bread, pastries and pizzas; a communal and catering kitchen; and one of canned ones), which are complemented by a shop-commodation space where to market the products of the workshop and the orchard, as well as products chosen with social, proximity and ecological criteria.
In addition, we will enable two free spaces where workshops and activities can be carried out in accordance with the values of the Sequoia.
The idea that the workshops are shared is to be able to accommodate and work opportunities more people, as well as optimize and the resources invested. We believe that sharing is a bet for the future.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

We have been working for these 10 years in and for La Sequoia, a bit inward, despite doing some open activities. Making works, fixing spaces, testing the activities that we now want to consolidate. We need to take this step to take care of the people who also make it possible for this house and this social project to continue standing, we want all this work to bear fruit. Initially creating three jobs, one of leadership in the maintenance of spaces (interiors and exteriors), one of administration, communication and distribution, and one of leadership of the workshops.

General targets:

  1. To articulate a local network of agroecological consumption, mutual help and social reflection.
  2. Open the cooperative space with three shared workshops, the shop and the gastronomic space and two spaces of free competition.

Concrete targets:
1.1 Design and develop a participatory process to structure and launch new activities.
1.2 Disseminate the actions related to the project and encourage participation.
1.3 Promote meeting and debate spaces with actors from the local community.
1.4 Offer training sessions and exchange of experiences with related entities.
2.1 Technical project to be able to carry out the reform
2.2. Carry out the different actions derived from the technical project.
Once opened:
2.3 Maintain the outdoor and indoor spaces of the Sequoia to carry out the activities.
2.4 Manage shared workshops.
2.5 Manage the store, the gastronomic space
2.6. Manage the cooperative (entity)

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Why this is important

The cooperative and community space of La Sequoia is very wide, beautiful and with great potential. One of the main motivations of the project is to fill it with life. We want the workshops to be spaces to make healthy products and to make workshops that can bring together diverse people with joint affinities. Same in free concurrence spaces. We want people like the commons to come, to eco-social change, to recover neighbourhood relations from where to share and collaborate. We believe that another eco-no-mya, an eco-si-nostra is possible.

Therefore, by collaborating with this project you help:

  • Promote other types of access to housing and relationship with property.
  • Share spaces, means of production, ideas and knowledge.
  • Create jobs worthy of part-time work, compatible with self-care and the environment.
  • Promote conscious consumption.
  • Weave ties between people and projects for a future where life is at the centre.

This collection of money is part of a financing plan for 100% of the necessary works, with an approximate budget of 110.000 euros. There are several ways to collaborate, you can contribute to the project through Goteo, or being a collaborating entity or person.

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Team and experience

Sequoia during these 10 years has been doing many of the things we now want to do in a more structured and economically viable way.

: Promoter team:

Anna Rovira Mateu
Environmental Sciences student, Monitor and Director of Leisure and Group Facilitator (Iiface), experience of creating consumer groups: I un rave! in the Barcelona expansion (informal group that spent 7 years jointly buying vegetables, fruit and elaborated) in the Ateneu de l’Eixample, management of a consumption group of the Solidarity Consumption Network Founder, baker and administrator of Sequoia. Mother of family. Working member of the Sequoia from June 2024.

Eduard Moreno Grabulós
Graduate in Anthropology, more than 20 years of participation in Ràdio Contrabanda, Founder and ideologist of Nautarkia and Sequoia, secondary school teacher, expert in creating games in a participatory way and amateur musician. Family father.

Angels Gardella Martínez
Graduate in Veterinary Medicine, with experience in a herd of sheep and goats, Founder and agroecological baker of Sequoia, Postgraduate student of nature and spirituality of the UdG, Environmental Educator at the High Ter Association and Guide of Dances of Universal Peace.

Training engineer, teacher by profession and ecosocial activist and entrepreneur. Technology as a tool, not as a solution or end object. Rurality or barbarism. When I escape the world, I do it in bicycle.

Elisa Camacho Castillo
Degree in French Philosophy and Master in Literary Translation. Working member of the La Roca SCCL restaurant (Lluçanès), vegetable and restaurant functions. Experience in work and group management, organic garden and bread workshop. Working partner of the Sequoia from June 2024, reference of the workshops.

Seif Fathi
Lover of life and slow rhythms. A member of the Sequoia since 2022, a leading person in the orchard, since April 2022. Family father. Working partner of Sequoia for the maintenance of interior and exterior of the Sequoia from June 2024.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption