Incluir Para Crecer - Inclusive Economy Festival

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Finished 26 / 08 / 2024
£ 1,042
£ 833
£ 4,999
28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Thank you diploma

    With your help, this space for listening, connection, reflection and call to action will be possible! From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much! We will mail you a diploma thanking you for your contribution.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Online Course on Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities (in Spanish) + Diploma of Appreciation

    You will be able to access our Online Course on Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities and you will also receive a diploma of appreciation by mail. Thank you for making it possible!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Online Course + Mention of thanks on the website and final journal.

    You will be able to access our Online Course on Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities (in Spanish) and we will also mention your name along with a thank you on the festival website and in the final Journal. Thanks a lot!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 58

    Online access to the Festival + Online Course + Mention of thanks on the website + Mention of thanks in the final journal.

    You will be able to participate online, in all instances and activities in August and September. On these dates we will develop a listening space, a sounding board for voices from different parts of the world, mixed proposals for personal reflection, body exercises, journaling, creation techniques, spaces for conversation and exchange, working groups and an invitation to action. You will be part of a global network.

    You will also be able to access our Online Course on Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities (in Spanish), we will make a mention of gratitude on the website with your name and a mention of gratitude in the final log of the event.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for being part of it and making it possible!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 250

    5-Pack Tickets for Companies

    This contribution includes:

    • Pack of 5 tickets to participate online.
    • Participation in all activities to be carried out in August and September.
    Mention of the company's participation in the event and in the final journal.

    • Opportunity to develop teams, foster a sense of purpose and values of the company, alignment with corporate objectives, actively contribute to positive change in society as an added value.
    • Have the opportunity to participate in a program where they exchange and learn methodologies for inclusion processes in the organization.
    • Be part of a Global Inclusion Network.
    • Visibility and brand positioning

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 500

    10-Pack of Business Tickets

    This contribution includes:

    • Pack of 10 tickets to participate online.
    • Participation in all activities to be carried out in August and September.
    Mention of the company's participation in the event and in the final journal.

    • Opportunity to develop teams, foster a sense of purpose and values of the company, alignment with corporate objectives, actively contribute to positive change in society as an added value.
    • Have the opportunity to participate in a program where they exchange and learn methodologies for inclusion processes in the organization.
    • Be part of a Global Inclusion Network.
    • Visibility and brand positioning

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

¿How do we imagine fair ways of living together, where all people can belong, participate, and flourish?

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Online platform Zoom
Zoom platform for more than 500 people.
£ 83
Online streaming
Online streaming for the whole world.
£ 333
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Interpretation in Sign Language
Interpretation in Sign Language.
£ 417
Event recording
Event recording.
£ 417
Digital Strategy and Networks
Digital Strategy and Networks.
£ 750
Summary video
Summary video.
£ 250
Video editing with sign language and subtitles
Video editing with sign language and subtitles.
£ 1,000
Communication design
Communication design.
£ 500
The fees for individuals creating all the content
The fees for individuals creating all the content.
£ 1,250
Total £ 833 £ 4,999

General information

Our project is the creation of an Inclusive Economy festival, this is an experiential get together, of global scope, with different moments distributed throughout the year, in face-to-face and virtual mode that seeks to generate a space for collective reflection and meaningful conversations that allow us to move towards an inclusive culture and economy, which promotes shared well-being on a healthy planet. It includes art, spaces for personal and collective reflection, methodologies for action, and includes joining a virtual network of inclusion.
Behind this project there is a diverse team, committed with the certainty that, in an increasingly unequal and still profoundly exclusive world, there is an urgent need for people and movements that actively contribute to building new ways of living together. Our professions, experiences and biographies converge in a space from which action is open to the multidisciplinary gaze: education, communication, design, art, language, culture.
This project has several instances: it co-initiates on May 30 with a launch event and continues to be developed in August and September 2024.
We decided to start this crowdfunding campaign seeking to raise the necessary funds to be able to develop the activities of August and September and finally, as a result of what we are going to harvested in the different moments, to be able to develop an ethnographic research, seeking to produce knowledge about diverse views, feelings and methodologies to promote transformations towards a fair way of living together.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

This festival is an experiential get together, of global scope, with different moments and in face-to-face and virtual mode, which seeks:

• To generate a space for collective reflection and meaningful conversations that allow us to move towards an inclusive economy, an economy that promotes shared well-being on a healthy planet.

• To raise awareness about the value of diversity and inclusion of all nature, including the diverse human nature, in different contexts: art, work, education, entrepreneurship and social.

• To include ourselves through art, which acts as a vehicle for dialogue and a bridge between realities.

• To promote collective and personal action and reflection, with the conviction that all people are potential agents of change.

An invitation to redesign our coexistence.

It will have different stages:

Co-Initiate: Face-to-face, online (for everyone) and participatory launch at the Amphitheater of the National Auditorium of SODRE in Uruguay. Thursday, May 30th. With the harvest of this event, we will continue to design the next 2 stages.

Co-sense, co-inspire and co-create: Participatory and experiential online event (for everyone) August 29th and 30th. A listening space, a sounding board for voices from different parts of the world, mixed proposals for personal reflection, body exercises, journaling, creation techniques, spaces for conversation and exchange, working groups and an invitation to action.

Co-evolve: Hybrid event for everyone, the first week of September.

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Why this is important

This project is aimed at all people, families, activists, companies, people in politics, educators, artists and the general public. That is why the event is designed with accessibility in mind. It will have interpretation in Sign Language, interpretation in English, Portuguese, Spanish and the materials are also made in easy reading.

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Team and experience

This will be the third edition.

In the first edition held in 2020, more than 200 people from 14 countries participated, 40 panelists with gender parity (15% of panelists with disabilities). 30% of participants were awarded scholarships to be able to participate.

In the second edition held in 2022, more than 300 people from 23 countries participated, 17 panelists, of which 17% were people with disabilities and 40% of participants received scholarships.

One of the most important indicators is the excellent feedback from participants.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development