🏰 In the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of a village belonging to the state (peasants, merchants and artisans) were naturally called villains. At some point that word began to be used pejoratively to refer to "insignificant people" and distinguish them from noblemen or nobles. As popular wisdom says, from those dust these sludges ...
📬 In this newsletter we are going to assert in particular the neighborhood construction to strengthen personal relationships, the proximity trade and the small and important victories of popular self-organization.
✊ Let's go!
La pájara 🐦

🚲 La Pájara(¨The bird¨) Ciclomensajería has started its activity in Madrid this September. They are accompanied by Mares Madrid, a program to promote the birth of initiatives within the social and solidarity economy; and CoopCycle, the European federation of bicycle delivery cooperatives that works with a free code platform for management of orders.
🌻 In light of the good reception of Mensakas (the sister cooperative in Barcelona) they want to dignify the profession of cyclo-messenger and fight for the exploitation with RidersXDerechos. That is why they are going to weave networks between communities to support responsible consumption, proximity trade and zero emissions logistics.
🐣 Do you want to feed La Pájara? Do it in La Pájara.
La Osa 🐻

🍎 LA OSA(¨The bear¨) is a cooperative and participatory supermarket based on the principles of Social and Solidarity Economy. It seeks to transform the dominant marketing, sales and consumption model into another model that is more committed to its environment, transparent in its relationships and its management, cooperative, creative and inclusive.
🍯 To make this transformation of the model a reality, they need some funds to start the activity. With them they will start this non-profit cooperative model based on participation, where each participant will collaborate by working a number of hours per month (warehouse, store, transport) thus achieving a significant cost reduction.
❤ If the heart tells you #ApoyaLAOSA, just do it in La Osa.
La Villana 🦄

✌ In the social center La Villana(¨The villana¨) de Vallekas we find a well organized project of social commitment, which some time ago begins to need a space to forge collective thinking tools for everyday struggles. That space has been called Vallekas Common Notions, Periphery School.
🗣 This initiative of political and neighborhood self-training wants to offer quality training that links the theoretical with the practical. This will help to reflect on the causes that move us and the directions of action we take as people and as communities. The first proposal is a pilot course from January 13 to June 8 of 2020, entitled "The right to the neighborhood"
✊ If you also consider it necessary to address the social struggles of the neighborhood, expand its historical context and establish neighborhood alliances, collaborate with La Villana
Sharings Cities

This past week we attended and participated in several talks at the Sharing Cities congress in Barcelona. At each discussion table we try to provide tools to improve communication and citizen decision-making, either through self-organization, or through collaborative platforms that will facilitate relations between citizens and institutions.
As we wanted to insinuate at the beginning of this newsletter, it is a fragmented and unequal society in access to common resources that accommodates and feeds stereotypes among the various social layers, either by economic, gender or cultural characteristics.
A society with the idea of sharing is an intelligent example. In Fundación Goteo, this is one of the main missions that we try to carry out through the platform of crowdfunding Goteo

Finally, we want to remind you that if you are thinking about doing a #goteofunding, this next DECEMBER 4 we will organize a webinar to share online and live ALL the key elements that will leave you fully informed to successfully launch a #crowdfunding campaign with #socialimpact.
📝 Join us here, you can participate in live and we will have a great time!
📩 And if you still have doubts, write to info@goteo.org
See you in fifteen days! A hug.