Every(body) to 8M ⚧️🌈
✊ «No one worried that trans partners were part of the assemblies. It was like that, simply. It always had been. It does not fit even remotely in my head for someone to tell them now that they cannot be» Laura Casielles tells us in Las compañeras trans ya estaban ahí.
📬 In this bulletin we support transfeminism as a movement that extends its subjects to other people who are not cisgender women. Together with LGBTI + activism, queer theory and anti-racist and post-colonial tendencies, its mission is the abolition of social segregation and the liberation of women, as well as the concept of gender itself as a construction that is used as a tool of oppression: movement of resistance about gender as a system of power that produces, controls and limits bodies, to adapt them to the established social order, trying to modify, expand, alter and transform the codes that govern all these social constructions.
😉 You can take a look at our article: Transfeminism is Equity and the three campaigns that we are talking about today as an "extension of the battlefield" of the imposed borders, discriminatory algorithms and false advertising strategies.
Greenwashing ♻
♻ The Endesa case marks a milestone in deceptive advertising (greenwashing) in Spain. In Ballena Blanca magazine they want to open the debate. Nothing against brands or advertisers. Just they believe that certain advertising practices on issues related to the environment are seriously damaging the credibility of journalism, and confusing citizens at a time when accurate and rigorous information is needed.
💚 To combat these camouflaged sponsored content such as information and misleading advertising, they will turn their next 80-page number into a special on the advertising that pollutes. They will analyze the most bizarre cases of ‘greenwashing’, explaining how we can defend ourselves against misleading messages and providing clues to control the excesses of this type of communication.
👉 Contribute to Greenwashing to discover how they do it and avoid being cheated.
Join Odyssey 💻

💻 Artificial intelligence is no longer science fiction. From automatic translations to medical diagnosis or the allocation of a financial credit, their contributions have become essential in our lives without us being aware of the processes with which they achieve their results.
🤖 Its effect on society is increasingly noticed, causing many of the jobs are changing or some are done by machines and 2020 is a key year for artificial intelligence in Spain. The #SumateaOdiseIA initiative was created to ensure that AI is used ethically and responsibly.
👉 Join Odyssey invites you to be part of this important work. Join up!
SOS LGTBI Refugees 🏳🌈

🚨 The Community of Madrid has withdrawn aid to the only shelter for migrant LGTBI + people from the autonomous community, managed by the Kif Kif Association.
💜 The project we present is a response to the needs of people who are in the process of applying for international protection due to the fact of being LGTBI + through a comprehensive intervention that includes residential accommodation, the realization of individualized itineraries of inclusion, the accompaniment in the asylum process, specialized psychosocial care, Spanish language learning, legal assistance, and leisure activities that promote intercultural coexistence.
👉 Save this space by entering SOS LGTBI Refugees.
CrowdCoop: Become a cooperative with Goteo!
In case you missed it in the previous newsletter, and because we really believe it is a great opportunity, here we talk to you again about CrowdCoop.
Like you, we believe that micro-patronage is a financing channel in line with cooperativism and that is why we celebrate the creation of this project «Singulars» for the promotion of the social economy.
Do you have a company in Catalonia that wants to become a cooperative through a micromanagement campaign? Do you have an association and have you been thinking about establishing a cooperative?
With Crowdcoop we have designed a comprehensive training program that ranges from the creation of a cooperative, through training in tax and legal matters to the design and launch of a crowdfunding campaign.
Take the opportunity and go now to CrowdCoop.
See you in 15 days! 😜
So here we come. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!