Contributing $ 11
Just send love for the free graphic novel
> 42 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Who Is Afraid of Degrowth?
3 WIAOD postcards
3 Ursula Le Guin postcards
1 soft cover copy
172 pages
17cm x 24 cm
Get the first edition signed by the artist.
1 soft cover copy
172 pages
17cm x 24 cm
Get the first edition signed by the artist.
1 soft cover copy
172 pages
17cm x 24 cm
3 WIAOD postcards
3 Ursula Le Guin postcards
Get the first edition signed by the artist.
1 soft cover copy
172 pages
17cm x 24 cm
your favorite double spread from the graphic novel printed and signed (2x DinA4)
and a personal Thank you note
3 WIAOD postcards
3 Ursula Le Guin postcards
Dear wonderful supporters,
Turns out flling out forms for internet postage and custom slips, printing them out and making the packages takes longer than I expected. Plus I’m a bit of a snaily person and a one snail show. But rest assured I’m doing my best and the books will reach you soon! I’m at about 200 of approx 500 packages. I am also having a super hard time concentrating on anything else than the horrors and protests happening right now. Hope you understand.
(Thanks @Draxtor for asking, reminded me to make an update.
Soemhow I can’t comment under my posts and need to “confirm my email first” … can’t find where)
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Just send love for the free graphic novel
> 42 Co-financiers
Send love for the free graphic novel + get 6 postcards
3 WIAOD postcards
3 Ursula Le Guin postcards
> 06 Co-financiers
Who Is Afraid of Degrowth? graphic novel
1 soft cover copy
172 pages
17cm x 24 cm
> 201 Co-financiers
Who Is Afraid of Degrowth? graphic novel / signed
Get the first edition signed by the artist.
1 soft cover copy
172 pages
17cm x 24 cm
> 145 Co-financiers
Who Is Afraid of Degrowth? graphic novel / signed + 6 postcards
Get the first edition signed by the artist.
1 soft cover copy
172 pages
17cm x 24 cm
3 WIAOD postcards
3 Ursula Le Guin postcards
> 55 Co-financiers
The big fan package!
Get the first edition signed by the artist.
1 soft cover copy
172 pages
17cm x 24 cm
your favorite double spread from the graphic novel printed and signed (2x DinA4)
and a personal Thank you note
3 WIAOD postcards
3 Ursula Le Guin postcards
> 18 Co-financiers