¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 09 / 12 / 2012
$ 110,821
$ 88,234
$ 176,467
105 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 110

    Web recognition

    Your name will appear on our website as “Cofinancer” of each Tutomic.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 331

    Illustrated diploma

    You will receive a digital certificate with a personalized illustration, where you will be credited as a collaborator on this project + Web recognition

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 771

    Tutomics printed edition

    We will send you a dedicated hard copy of all the Tutomics + Illustrated diploma + Web recognition

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,212

    Arduino Uno R3

    We will send you an Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller + Tutomics printed edition + Illustrated diploma + Web recognition

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 17,629

    Arduino workshop

    Designed for trainers or training centers. A 20-hour course of introduction to Arduino, which will teach you how to use the open source platform that is radically changing the way we see electronic prototyping. (Maximum 10 people per group. Didactic material, displacement and accommodation costs are not included in the reward).

    > 01 Co-financiers

Electronic symbols: Tutomic released

05 | 12 | 2012
Electronic symbols: Tutomic released

While we continue developing contents for the rest of publications, and having left a adequate time frame to receive your observations, make corrections, etc., we cheer ourselves up and release the version 1.0 of Tutomic "Electronic Symbols".

We are very glad to have reached up to here. This is the first Tutomic of the collection, developed from zero, and we are eager to hear any feedback… really excited!

Obviously, we haven't been able to include in this Tutomic all the electronic symbols that exist, however, we assure having added the most usual ones, so that any individual can distinguish them inside of an electronic circuit, and even interpret their function.

You can download the web version of the complete comic book here: bit.ly/11pZj3H [3 MB] or the high quality print version: bit.ly/YwErJB [11,9 MB]

You can also download it in "booklet" format. Web version: bit.ly/SrBS5p [2,9 MB] or high quality print version: bit.ly/SKpddx [11,9 MB].

For all who are willing to translate this Tutomic into their own languages, we have prepared a .zip file in which you can find 12 high quality .png files (300 dpi) with each page of the Tutomic (without text), a .txt file and the used .ttf font: bit.ly/R0ELgl [6,7 MB].

Lastly, this Tutomic is also available as a online version at our web page (although we need to improve it in some ways): bit.ly/YLLm0n

We use this communication as a chance to remember you, we are at the final of second round, this is, the finale of crowdfunding campaign... Just 4 days left!

Please, we ask you the last big effort to spread this project as much as possible through any of your networks.

Once more... Thank you a lot to all of you!


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