Contributing £ 17
Your contribution brings life to the investigation and we will mention you in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 96 Co-financiers
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Your contribution brings life to the investigation and we will mention you in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM face mask.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Your contribution is indispensable and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM tote bag.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Mention in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
With your contribution you will receive:
Mention in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Your contribution is fundamental and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
Digital poster "Fight against SPECTRAM" by Guillermo Rojo, customized with your face.
Your contribution cannot be compared and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM face mask.
SPECTRAM T-shirt. (Choose your design)
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Your contribution is indispensable and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
Digital poster "Fight against SPECTRAM" by Guillermo Rojo, customized with your face. (Choose your character)
SPECTRAM face mask.
SPECTRAM tote bag.
SPECTRAM T-shirt. (Choose your design)
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
Only available for organizations. One day workshop - New Narratives: "How to innovate in narration and to fight the hate speech?"
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
The research concerning the obscure Industry of Migration Control that no one wants to finance.
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Minimum | Optimum |
Research Editor
We need 5.000€ to hire a Research Editor who conducts the investigation and coordinates the team of journalists.
£ 4,168 | |
Data Journalist
We need 2.500€ to hire a Data Journalist who generates and coordinates the production and analysis of data.
£ 2,084 | |
Senior Researcher
We need 2.500€ to hire a Senior Researcher who investigates the framework of the source of funds of the Industry of Migration Control in Brussels.
£ 2,084 | |
Freelance Journalist
We need 4.000€ to recruit an investigative journalism team that carries out the research on contracts and lobbies related with the Industry of Migration Control.
£ 3,334 | |
Design, marketing, communication, illustrations.
We need 500€ for the design of illustrations, a narrative structure to improve the scope of the research, visualizations and merchandising to distribute via social networks.
£ 417 | |
Data Journalist (II)
With 7.500€ we could hire an additional Data Journalist who generates and coordinates the production and the analysis of data.
£ 6,252 | |
Research Editor
With 10.000€ we secure the work of the Research Editor, who would carry on the investigation on the Industry of Migration Control and who would coordinate the investigative journalism team.
£ 8,336 | |
Data Journalist (I)
With 5.000€ we could secure the work of a Data Journalist who generates and coordinates the production and analysis of data.
£ 4,168 | |
Senior Researcher
With 12.500€ we could secure the work of a Senior Researcher, dedicated to investigate in Brussels the source of the funds destined to the Industry of Migration Control.
£ 10,420 | |
Freelance Journalist
With 6.000€ we could secure the work of a journalism team that investigates in deep.
£ 5,001 | |
Research expenses
With 4.500€ we would get to finance the travel expenses, the reproduction and consecution of documentation, or the payment of software to process information and data.
£ 3,751 | |
Design, marketing, communication, illustrations.
With 4.500€ we would get to hire a Designer who generates the illustrations, the narrative structure to improve the scope of the investigation, and the visualizations and merchandising to distribute in the social networks.
£ 3,751 |
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
Research expenses
We need 500€ to cover the travel expenses, the reproduction and consecution of documentation, or the payment of software to process information and data.
£ 417 |
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
Administrative costs and bank charges are broke-down as follows: use of platform 5%; bank transactions 0,8%; Paypal 3,4% and additional charge for every transaction 0,35€.
£ 834 | |
Administrative costs and bank charges are broke-down as follows: use of platform 5%; bank transactions 0,8%; Paypal 3,4% and additional charge for every transaction 0,35€.
£ 4,168 | |
Total | £ 13,337 | £ 59,184 |
The spanish and european migration policies left a dramatic balance of victims in the Mediterranean Sea and condemn thousands of people to live clandestinely.
We know who lose, but, who wins with the anti-immigration business?
Since 2016 we have been investigating which are the private companies that profit with that money.
In Spain, 10 companies receive 65% of 660 millions spent. Lobbies, revolving doors, and an approachless institutional framework dressed with a hate and fear speech, that are not casual, make it difficult to change a system that spends 8 times more money to detain and deport than to integrate.
These are the results of our research of more than a year of work, with more than 1.600 contracts analyzed.
But there is still a lot to investigate. Contracts from Regional Governments, money that goes to third countries to outsource control, details about the lobbies of this industry, to identify the path money takes from Brussels to the fences, etc.
This so crucial topic is very akward and it is very difficult for us to find support in order to finance the investigation.
That is why we need YOU.
porCausa is a non profit foundation who shelter a net of professionals, mostly journalists, researchers and communicators, stubborn with looking migration from a wider frame.
The hate speech, as well as corruption, are behind the way that public money that would be used in a more fair and smart way.
Even if you do not know us, it is sure that you have seen our work: the information we produce has already changed many things.
We are annoying to some people, and we have been even digitally harassed. We are not the only ones, but surely the most original.
Our last investigation, released early July 2020 has been very revealing, but sadly we had to leave out a lot of things. There is big money at stake. Thanks to the opacity of the system, companies and governments keep increasing the budgets and encouraging the narrative of the Fortress Europe, criminalising migrations to justify policies proven ineffective.
To investigate and to broadcast this information is like the story of David versus Goliath, but we have shown that it is possible to go far. We have to keep fighting to stop this colossal machinery.
We have to keep investigating the industry of migration control, publishing with freedom and independency, and no public company or organisation is going to support us.
If you cannot contribute with the crowdfunding campaign, you can become a porCausa volunteer. CONTACT US. All people are welcome.
If you believe that we are all migrants because we all move and should be free to do it safely and freely, then you are interested in this project .
Yes. There is another way to address and to manage a natural and historical process like migration, and in porCausa we know that high quality information, networking with media and research centers, original narratives and diverse communities, are the most powerful weapon that can help us to change many things. We believe that this matters to lots of people who want another kind of migration policies, for them and for coming generations.
The sum of many contributions will give us the funds to keep on going, but also the protection from a community that share our values.
If you see yourself reflected on what you have reared upon, JOIN US.
Since 2016 we have been doing journalism and research about migration.
The first investigation about the industry of migration control was released on 2017. Part of that investigation was presented before the Senate, and that triggered the closure of the Fuerteventura’s CIE (Foreigner Detention Center).
In 2019, our investigation called Melilla Vice was crucial for the change of government in the region, after 22 years of corruption and violation of the human rights at the southern border (Frontera Sur).
This July we published together with Público our journalistic investigation, putting the Industry of Migration Control on the front cover for two days. We also released a report with an groundbreaking narrative, SPECTRAM. A jewel of design and focus.
On september 17 will be presented the report from the UN Working Group, where our work about the Industry of Migration Control has contributed along with the work from other organisations.
We work with a “Team to teams” system: a permanent team of only 5 people coordinate more than 20 professionals, mostly volunteers due to our economic precariousness. Within our team in this investigation it has to be mentioned:
José Bautista, coordinator of investigative journalism. Journalist specialised in research and economy, and currently focuses on investigating corruption networks around the borders. He collaborates with different media like The New York Times or the magazine La Marea.
Ana Gonzalez-Páramo, senior researcher. She has a long trajectory in European public issues. She has worked as consultant in Brussels, The Haghe, etc., and also as electoral observer in the Balkans, Madagascar, Burkina Faso and Moldavia.
Alberto Alonso, journalist specialized in research, data, and visualisation. Data is an endless source of information that is still unexploited, and Alberto has the goal to get to the bottom of this industry.
Diana Moreno, journalist specialised in International Migrations. She has been working for El Mundo, and has collaborated from the United Kingdom with different media. She was part of the communication department of the University of Comillas’ Chair of Refugees. Her illustrations has been the cover page of this investigation.
We want to consolidate and strengthen the structure to go further.
We produce and broadcast truthful and easy to digest information about migrations, a natural process usually mistreated narratively.
This information breaks the disinformation and discredit the hate speech.
Tackling past and present, the information helps to build a better future that, for the sake of humankind, should be based in the International Bill of Human Rights.
Your contribution brings life to the investigation and we will mention you in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 96 Co-financiers
Essential Donor
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM face mask.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 66 Co-financiers
Indispensable Donor
Your contribution is indispensable and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM tote bag.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 51 Co-financiers
Unbeatable Donor
Mention in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 19 Co-financiers
Super Donor
With your contribution you will receive:
Mention in the report.
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 13 Co-financiers
Fundamental Donor
Your contribution is fundamental and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
Digital poster "Fight against SPECTRAM" by Guillermo Rojo, customized with your face.
> 08 Co-financiers
Incomparable Donor
Your contribution cannot be compared and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
SPECTRAM face mask.
SPECTRAM T-shirt. (Choose your design)
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 04 Co-financiers
Indispensable Contributions
Your contribution is indispensable and thus you will receive:
Mention in the report.
Digital poster "Fight against SPECTRAM" by Guillermo Rojo, customized with your face. (Choose your character)
SPECTRAM face mask.
SPECTRAM tote bag.
SPECTRAM T-shirt. (Choose your design)
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 01 Co-financiers
Unique Contributions
Only available for organizations. One day workshop - New Narratives: "How to innovate in narration and to fight the hate speech?"
*Each donation has a tax relief up to 80%
> 01 Co-financiers
If you want to contribute to help us to continue doing our job, you can also do it through this modalities: -Become a partner: https://donaciones.por