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Smart Citizen - Sensores ciudadanos

Finished 20 / 09 / 2012
€ 13.748
€ 8.938
€ 19.511
159 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    Web recognition

    Your name will appear on the public list of acknowledgments of the Smart Citizen web

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Smart sticker y a visit to FabLab

    Smart Citizen siicker for your computer or sensor + Visit to FabLab where you can get to know our instalationes and our work in the field of personal fabrication + Web Recognition

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Online support to configure your sensors

    If you already have similar openhardware sensors, we can assist by mail to configure their access to the platform + Smart Citizen sticker for your computer or sensor + A visit to FabLab + Web Recognition

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    “QR” T-shirt and a visit to FabLab

    Exclusive Smart Citizen T-shirt, with which you can activate the web access network we are creating + A visit to FabLab where you can get to know our instalationes and our work in the field of personal fabrication + Web Recognition

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Smart Citizen basic Kit

    Simple board with 3 sensors: humidity, light and temperature + Online support for adding your kit on the Smart Citizen platform + T-shirt + Web Recognition

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 70

    Full Smart Citizen Kit

    Simple board with 5 sensors: humidity, light, temperature air and noise quality + Online support for adding your kit on the Smart Citizen platform + T-shirt + Web Recognition

    > 78 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 95

    Smart Citizen Kit 'plug & play'

    Simple board with its box, the 5 sensors configured with your WiFi data (to start work just turn it on) + Online support for adding your kit on the Smart Citizen platform + T-shirt + Web Recognition

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 149

    Smart Citizen Kit y Workshop

    Board kit and full sensors + A position at Smart Citizen workshop, to learn how to take advantage of the device + T-shirt + Web Recognition

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 400

    3 Smart Citizen Kits y 3 Workshop Positions

    Designed for small organizations, groups and collectives: 3 board kits and full sensors + 3 positions at the Smart Citizen Workshops + 5 T-shirts + Web Recognition

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 650

    5 Smart Citizen Kits y 5 Workshop Positions

    Designed for educators and schools or civic centers: 5 board kits and full sensors + 5 positions at the Smart Citizen Workshops + 5 T-dhirts + Web Recognition

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 2.500

    10 Smart Citizen Kits y 10 Positions Workshop

    For businesses, universities and research groups: 10 full kits of board and sensors + A dedicated and design workshop for 10 people + 10 T-shirts + Web Recognition

    > 00 Co-financiers

Nos vemos el 24 de Abril!

12 | 04 | 2013
Nos vemos el 24 de Abril!

Hola a todos

El próximo dia 24 haremos el lanzamiento del proyecto Smart Citizen a la comunidad de Barcelona. Queremos convocarlos a todos a la reunión en el Fab Lab Barcelona (http://www.fablabbcno.org, Pujades 102) para poder entregar los primeros kits a los backers que se acerquen y que les sea posible. Los que no podais venir no hay problema: haremos los envíos a partir del 24 a todos y cada uno de vosotros, con kits programados, plataforma funcionando, y alguna sorpresa mas!. Además, aprovecharemos de introducir el proyecto al público en general. Las imágenes que adjuntamos son del último update del diseño de la plataforma.

Por último os invitamos a ver y difundir nuestra nueva landing page: http://www.smartcitizen.me

un abrazo a todos y gracias por la paciencia


Arnau Cangròs i Alonso
Hace 1 decade
que ganas ya !! Teneis mal el link del FabLab. fablabbcn.org/

¿Hay que hacer reserva? ¿se sabe ya la hora?
Hace 1 decade
¿Alguna posibilidad de streaming o webinar del evento?

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