
Finished 24 / 09 / 2019
£ 87,621
£ 41,597
£ 207,983
1517 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8


    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 2.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 106 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21


    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 1 Rebrotem T-shirt
      All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 6.25, the State assumes the remaining
    > 388 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    🌱 Sponsor 1 hectare

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 1 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 1 hectare of affected land

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 12.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 389 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 62

    🌱 Sponsor 1 hectare + 💦"Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 1 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 1 hectare of affected land
    • 1/2L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 18.75, the State assumes the remaining

    > 93 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 62

    Recompensa especial: 1 TICKET Taller de jotes ebrenques

    [Aquesta recompensa és limitada, només hi ha 40 unitats disponibles]
    Què conté?

    • Participació en un taller de Jota Ebrenca cantada i improvisada de la mà de Gemma "Fardatxa" i Laia Pedrol, de 2.5h el proper 28 de setembre a Flix
    • El teu nom en una placa metàl·lica
    • El teu nom a la web de Rebrotem
    • 1 Samarreta Rebrotem
    • Apadrinament 1 hectàrea de territori afectat

    Totes les recompenses tenen desgravació a la propera declaració de la renta si la fas.
    Aquesta recompensa et costarà 18.75€, la restà ho assumeix l'Estat.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83

    🌱 Sponsor 2 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 1 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 2 hectares of affected land
    • 1/2L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it. This reward will cost you € 25, the State assumes the remaining

    > 236 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 208

    🌱 Sponsor 5 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 3 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 5 hectares of affected land
    • 1,5L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 107,5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 51 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 416

    🌱 Sponsor 10 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 10 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 10 hectares of affected land
    • 5L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    This reward is perfect for organizations, companies and institutions.

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 282, the State assumes the remaining

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 832

    🌱 Sponsor 20 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 10 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 20 hectares of affected land
    • 10L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    This reward is perfect for organizations, companies and institutions.

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 632.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 1,664

    🌱 Sponsor 40 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 20 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 40 hectares of affected land
    • 20L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    This reward is perfect for organizations, companies and institutions.

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 1332.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4,160

    🌱 Sponsor 100 hectares + 💦 "Rebrotem" Oil

    What does it contain?

    • Your name on a metal plate
    • Your name on the Rebrotem website
    • 40 Rebrotem T-shirt
    • Sponsorship of 100 hectares of affected land
    • 40L Charity oil "Rebrotem" collected in Ribera d'Ebre

    This reward is perfect for organizations, companies and institutions.

    All rewards have a deduction in the next income statement if you do it.This reward will cost you € 3432.5, the State assumes the remaining

    > 00 Co-financiers

1517 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

£ 208
Support message:
Hola, l'import ingressat l'he recaudat mitjançant una tapa solidaria que vaig crear al meu restaurant, m'agradaría que a la placa en lloc de posar el meu nom poses: #Sushifans Sushi MC
£ 42


£ 42
Support message:
Rebeu aquesta petita contribució amb tot el meu suport i dolor a l'ànima per la pèrdua que heu patit. Tenim una terra única i meravellosa, no ho dubteu.
£ 42
Support message:
Endavant!!!! No podem parar! Molta força per conseguir l'objectiu!
£ 42
£ 42


£ 125

Francesc casas selvas

£ 83
Support message:
Teniu molt de mèrit d'impulsar aquesta iniciativa. A veure si feu un sprint final amb una bona campaya de darrera hora. Enhorabona !
£ 62

Assumpta i Ramon

£ 83
Support message:
Endavant companyes i companys!!! No us desanimeu. Des dels Pirineus compartim la vostra tristor, ràbia i impotència, però us animem a tirar endavant aquesta bona iniciativa del REBROTEM

Jordi Fornós Pelejà

£ 83
£ 62
£ 21

Jordi A

£ 42
£ 8