Preparing the land

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1Round Remaining 16 days
€ 2.095
€ 3.000
€ 6.100
14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Your name will be written in a poster in order to thank you at the day of the gatherin

    This campaign is a call to the universe to connect with those people who will make this possible by donating money. On the day of the event, we will write your name on a physical sign to thank you, celebrate and to put in the center that actions like these are part of the gathering.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40

    'Antiracism' Monograph Pikara Magazine - Digital edition

    You will have the privilege of receiving a monograph from one of the leading media for the dissemination of feminist theory and practice in Spain. The monograph includes articles in Spanish and Euskera, and has 14 themes plus the prologue and includes genealogy, music, medicine, aesthetics, fetishization, politics...

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 90

    One-year virtual subscription to Píkara Magazine's contents

    Read it well. Yes, if you donate €90 you will have access for one year to:

    • The Pikara Magazine yearbook in PDF.
    • Three copies of #LosImperdibles, digital monographs.
    • The #PikaraDeGolpe, our weekly updates in your e-mail.
    • A permanent 20% discount on all products in our online store.
    • Sweepstakes every Monday.
    • Punctual information about promotions, events, courses or talks as well as the status of the project.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Be a person/entity key collaborator

    Your name, your organization's name and logo - if you wish - will appear in the video and final analysis document recognizing you as a key collaborating person or entity.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    You, with frieds and/or your organization can live a "DiversiTour" experience

    DIVERSITOURS is an educational proposal of guided tours through the neighborhood of San Francisco, Bilbao La Vieja and Zabala to show the richness and cultural diversity of the city of Bilbao. The group should be a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 people, in the morning and to be held no later than May 2025.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

A changemakers gathering who live (or have lived) far from home in Bilbao [Basque Country, Spain]

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Renting a space for the meeting
We have reached an agreement with KOOP SF 34 to be able to use the space in its entirety.
€ 350
Crowdfunding platform costs - "Minimum" phase
Goteo's 6% commission for its services and around 2% for PayPal, commissions and bank charges on the minimum amount obtained.
€ 220
Tax advisory - "Minimum" phase
For a correct implementation, payment and contracting of the people and services contemplated, we have reached an accompaniment agreement with the Association “La Tercera Pata”, a space specialized in the non-profit sector with a focus on economic sustainability.
€ 165
Tax advisory - "Optimum" phase
For a correct implementation, payment and contracting of the people and services contemplated, we have reached an accompaniment agreement with the Association “La Tercera Pata”, a space specialized in the non-profit sector with a focus on economic sustainability.
€ 110
Crowdfunding platform costs - "Optimum" phase
Goteo's 6% commission for its services and around 2% for PayPal, commissions and bank charges on the optimal amount obtained.
€ 230
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Gatherin facilitation
Two facilitators, a co-facilitator, a photographer and a hostess are needed to prepare the space and take care of all the logistical details for a smooth running of the meeting.
€ 800
Two people will be needed to provide a play and care context for children accompanying the participants. By guaranteeing a childcare space, we seek to minimize reasons for non-participation.
€ 200
Networking and convening management - Minimum phase
Creating a good network of people and collaborating entities for the convening of the meeting is a fundamental aspect for the success of the project. Hiring people who will dedicate quality time to this task will be invaluable for “Preparing the land”.
€ 100
Crowdfunding rewards management - Minimum phase
Costs and coordination of rewards that are committed to the campaign.
€ 165
Making good videos for a good convening and sharing the experience with testimonials from participants will allow “Preparing the land” to maximize its reach and impact in social media and on the web.
€ 1.000
Conceptual analysis of the results
We will seek to analyze with research methodologies possible narratives and/or elements that can be recognized from the products produced and the experience of the meeting in order to share them with the community related to “Preparing the land”.
€ 500
Networking and convening management - Optimum phase
Creating a good network of people and collaborating entities for the convening of the meeting is a fundamental aspect for the success of the project. Hiring people who will dedicate quality time to this task will be invaluable for “Preparing the land”.
€ 500
Crowdfunding rewards management - Optimum phase
Costs and coordination of rewards that are committed to the campaign.
€ 720
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
In an Open Space, food is a central aspect. Tasty and energetic food needs to be available throughout the meeting for participants to have enough energy and for conversations to take place. In addition, by ensuring that people are fed, we seek to minimize reasons for non-participation. The food service will be provided by collectives and micro-enterprises of the KOOP SF 34 ecosystem.
€ 1.000
Printing of posters, documents and minutes for convocation and meetings
For the convening, we will need to print posters to be placed at strategic points in the neighborhood. We will also need to print the minutes of the working/conversation groups that will be formed during the meeting.
€ 40
Total € 3.000 € 6.100

General information

The problem
The escalation of war conflicts in different parts of the world, the economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the ecological crisis have forced many people to look for new places to live. In Basque Country, in 2023, applications for international protection increased by 50% compared to the previous year.

The call
In this context, “Preparing the Land” (PTL) is a meeting that seeks to bring together in Bilbao (Basque Country, Spanish state) agents of change who live or have lived far from home. That is, “people who take creative actions to address social problems” (Ashoka, 2016: 2) who at the same time live far from home in Bilbao or in Basque Country in general. It also convenes people who are change agents native to Basque Country but who have lived away from home at some point in their lives.

What inspires this meeting is the possibility of reflecting on the complicity of facing the development of our lives by creating and/or collaborating in initiatives while living (or having lived) far from our networks, traditions, and place of origin.

When and where
PTL will take place on Saturday November 9th at KOOP SF 34, a reference space for collaborative and intercultural work - and co-organizers of the project - in Bilbao and Basque Country in general.

The day will be facilitated under the Open Space methodology, a globally recognized tool that takes advantage of the complexity and diversity of ideas as a motor for the self-organization of people to propose and discuss the issues that matter most. The question that will guide the meeting will be: How to collaborate to promote integration in Basque Country living or having lived far away from home?

What for?
In a context of increasing international instability and migratory flows, we know that there are ideas that are waiting for their moment to be thought and developed, but that have not connected with the right initiatives, stories, critiques, or questions to sprout and burst forth. The PLT team has the tools to bring the right people together and properly facilitate a context for those meaningful experiences and conversations to take place.

How to participate
Register at the following link:

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The objective
“Preparing the land” aims to promote reflection and collaboration between people and projects that address the challenge of integration and inclusion of different cultures in Basque Country.

The key activities
We will deploy a convening and facilitation strategy inspired by the Open Space Technology. We will take advantage of its ability to navigate projects and host highly complex meetings to bring together the right people and generate a context conducive to listening, respect and sharing.

The event will be free of charge, food will be provided and there will be a childcare space so that, as much as possible, we maximize the possibilities for those invited to participate. Funding is needed mainly to cover these aspects.

Expected products
From the meeting will be generated:

  • A report with the minutes of the conversations held.
  • A video with testimonies and experiences of the participants.
  • An investigation through a conceptual analysis using the video, the report (districts in the previous points) and the experience of the facilitation team as main inputs.

Why this is important

With whom
PTL seeks to bring together in Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) people who are changemakers who live or have lived far from home. We refer to those people who are cultural, artistic, social, economic and/or educational agents who are taking creative actions in the Basque Country far from their networks, traditions and place of origin.

Throughout history, the Basque people have had to flee their land for political and economic reasons in search of a better life, being received in different parts of the world. We believe that the people who have inherited this history bring back lessons that can be of incalculable value.

What moves us
We believe that the economic, social and cultural future of Basque Country is at stake in its ability to address the inequalities that emerge in contexts of high socio-cultural diversity and in its ability to anticipate and identify those that still remain in the shadows.

Doing the work of “preparing the land” aims at rescuing a labor that is often made invisible, which is at the same time essential for sowing and harvesting. It is also a metaphor that illustrates the importance of modifying certain characteristics of the environment in order to generate better conditions so that, when their time comes, some seeds will sprout.

Some principles which inspire us

There are no concrete expectations in relation to an outcome or the continuity of a process. What motivates this initiative is the curiosity to bring together people with certain characteristics and histories to talk about a broad question and a methodology that accompanies it. It will be up to the participants to decide what we will talk about.

This milestone may (or may not) be the beginning of a process that includes more activities. If so, it will be analyzed from the participatory action research approach under the question: What elements are recognized when change agents who work in Basque Country and live or have lived far from home meet to talk?

Epistemic justice
We recognize that our prejudices and social imaginaries can threaten the validity of the knowledge and wisdom of certain groups, especially those historically marginalized. At the same time, we are aware that there are people who have lived experiences that still cannot be properly narrated due to the lack of interpretative and conceptual resources that our cultural framework offers.

From the peripheries to the center
In any activity in the public space or related to participation, there will be people and realities that are absent. In general, it is not those who want to participate, but those who can. We assume the democratic challenge of designing the different activities and calls considering those absences that due to care work, language barriers, labor precariousness, among many other causes, are not used to participate.

Main readings on which we rely

  • Rahman, R., Herbst, K., & Mobley, P. (2016). More than Simply “Doing Good”: A Definition of Changemaker. What Children, Truckers, and Superheroes all have in Common. Ashoka Changemakers.
  • Owen, Harrison (1997). Open Space Technology: A user’s guide. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Observatorio Vasco de Inmigración (2022). Tendencias y retos en la integración de la población inmigrante en Euskadi: análisis de la Encuesta de Población Inmigrante Extranjera (EPIE) 2018. Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco.

Team and experience

Along with your contribution, “Preparing the Land” is being made possible thanks to the support of the following people from the motor team and sponsoring entities.

Joaquín Gregorio Oliva
He is a Chilean facilitator, researcher and consultant in citizen participation, social innovation and community development. He co-founded and participated in the project Circo Social La Chimba in Santiago, Chile, using the performing arts for community development between 2016 and 2019. In 2021 he moves to Bilbao, the city where he currently resides. In 2022 he finishes the Master in Citizen Participation and Community Development at the Public University of Basque Country. He is part of Glocalminds and Gune Irekiaren Lagunak.

Unai Gaztelu
He is a father in continuous learning. After 5 years living in Tanzania where he co-founded Njombe Beyond and Njombe Innovation Academy, he is back in Euskal Herria, his place of origin. He navigates creating/supporting commons of housing, knowledge, free/active education, etc. under the Peer to Peer paradigm with Liberating Structures, local currencies, self-management (holacracy, sociocracy), meditation, Getting Things Done, Strategic doing, among other frameworks.

He has been treasurer and project coordinator of Koop SF 34 for 6 years. Entrepreneur with more than 10 years of experience in different community development projects in Bilbao.

Entities without which this would not be possible:

Gune Irekiaren Lagunak
It is the community of learning and practice of the Open Space methodology of the Basque Country, responsible for the organization of the 28th World Meeting of the Open Space Methodology held in Bilbao in 2022.

It is an intercultural network of facilitators, consultants and changemakers whose purpose is to facilitate and accompany the evolution of systems towards a regenerative future in Chile and Latin America.

It is an African-style co-working space that emerges in the heart of the San Francisco neighborhood, Bilbao in 2016. The main objective is to combat the high rate of unemployment suffered by the sub-Saharan population in Bilbao by enhancing the capabilities offered by this group.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development