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Finished 10 / 01 / 2020
$ 7,950
$ 6,454
$ 10,756
112 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Sand grain

    [Supporter] Grain by grain you get great things. With this grain of sand you will appear as godmother/godfather on our website.

    If you live in Spain, for every 10€ you contribute, Hacienda will return up to 7.5€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Showing the badge

    **[Button badge + balloon + national shipment + support] No, we are not going to tell you our life, we are going to give you a brilliant badge of Pincha Tu Deuda, so that you can shake your colleagues, besides appearing on our website as a godmother/godfather. Along with your badge, we will send you a balloon so you can prick your debt. Note that your badge has a wonderful needle for the occasion. It is included the shipment to any point of Spain.

    For every 20€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 15€ when you make your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Showing the badge *International*

    **[Button badge + balloon + international shipment + support] No, we are not going to tell you our life, we are going to give you a brilliant badge of Pincha Tu Deuda, so that you can shake your colleagues, besides appearing on our website as a godmother/godfather. Along with your badge, we will send you a balloon so you can prick your debt. Note that your badge has a wonderful needle for the occasion. It is included the shipment to any point of the world.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    The bag or the life

    [Bag + balloon + national shipment + support] The bag, clearly. You will appear as a supporter on our website and we will send you the bag, empty. We leave the debt to those who generated it. Along with your bag, we will send you a balloon so you can prick your debt. Shipping to any point in Spain is included.

    If you live in Spain, for every 30€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 22.5€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 38

    The bag or the life *International*

    [Bag + balloon + international shipment + support] The bag, clearly. You will appear as a supporter on our website and we will send you the bag, empty. We leave the debt to those who generated it. Along with your bag, we will send you a balloon so you can prick your debt. Shipping to any point in Spain is included.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    The illustrated debt

    **[Illustration + badge + balloon + national shipment + support] The debt illustrated by Eduardo Luzzatti, activist and illustrator. An illustration, size A4, of the new and fresh director of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, who before was it from the willing International Monetary Fund. A fashionable celebrity. Irony? Noooo... Along with your illustration, we'll send you a button badge and a balloon so you can prick your debt. You will also appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. Shipping to anywhere in Spain is included.

    If you live in Spain, for every 40€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 30€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 48

    The illustrated debt *International*

    **[Illustration + badge + balloon + international shipment + support] The debt illustrated by Eduardo Luzzatti, activist and illustrator. An illustration, size A4, of the new and fresh director of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, who before was it from the willing International Monetary Fund. A fashionable celebrity. Irony? Noooo... Along with your illustration, we'll send you a button badge and a balloon so you can prick your debt. You will also appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. Shipping to anywhere in Spain is included.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    The Debt Fashion

    [T-shirt + button badge + balloon + national shipping + sponsorship] Go ahead and wear your activist t-shirt before anyone else. A new debt crisis is coming (no kidding) and you have to be prepared. You can choose size, to highlight in the demonstrations. Along with your t-shirt, we will send you a matching button badge, and you will appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. The shipment is included to any point of Spain.

    If you live in Spain, for every 50€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 37.5€ when you make your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 59

    The Debt Fashion *International*

    [T-shirt + button badge + balloon + international shipping + sponsorship] Go ahead and wear your activist t-shirt before anyone else. A new debt crisis is coming (no kidding) and you have to be prepared. You can choose size, to highlight in the demonstrations. Along with your t-shirt, we will send you a matching button badge, and you will appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. The shipment is included to any point of the world.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 75

    The almost entire pack

    [T-shirt + illustration + button badge + balloon + national shipment + support] You take almost everything and, in addition, you will appear as godmother/godfather in our web page and we will send you a balloon so that you can prick your debt. It is included the shipment to any point of Spain.

    If you live in Spain, for every 70€ that you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 52.5€ when you make your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 81

    The almost entire pack *International*

    [T-shirt + illustration + button badge + balloon + international shipment + support] You take almost everything and, in addition, you will appear as godmother/godfather in our web page and we will send you a balloon so that you can prick your debt. It is included the shipment to any point of the world.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    The sustainable debt and other neoliberal tales

    [Book + bag + button badge + balloon + international shipment + support] "La deuda sostenible y otros cuentos neoliberales" by Eduardo Luzzatti, is an illustrated book of stories that you won't want to read to your children. Or maybe yes, who knows. You can take the book everywhere with the bag and decorate the bag with the button badge. We will also send you a balloon so that you can prick your debt and you will appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. Shipping to anywhere in the world is included.

    If you live in Spain, for every 100€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 75€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 323

    The whole pack (now yes)

    [Book + bag + t-shirt + illustration + badge + balloon + international shipping + support + option to appear as a collaborator in all materials] This is unconditional love for Pincha Tu Deuda, no more and no less. You take everything, everything, and also, we can include your logo as a collaborator if it is of your interest. And of course, you will appear as a special godmother/godfather on our website and we will send you a balloon so that you can click on your debt. Shipping to anywhere in the world is included.

    If you live in Spain, for every 300€ you contribute, Hacienda will return up to 157.5€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 02 Co-financiers

Si cada una de nosotras...

11 | 11 | 2019
Si cada una de nosotras...

Queridas y queridos cofinanciadores,

Lleváis varios días sin noticias nuestras, mil disculpas. No es que nos hayamos olvidado, ni mucho menos, es que estamos enfrascadísimas en los preparativos del festival Pincha Tu Deuda. Este espacio imprescindible donde poder compartir con todas vosotras y vosotros, debatir, pensar, activar redes e inventar nuevas maneras y caminos para conseguir una economía que ponga a las personas en el centro. Hoy os compartimos el programa completo del festival. ;)


[Atención: se desarrolla en tres espacios distintos]

21 NOV > 16:00h a 21:00h Editatón Edita tu deuda en Medialab Prado [Auditorio] Inscripción + info aquí

22 NOV > 19:00h a 21:00h Mesa redonda Deuda, desde la periferia. Con Vicente Losada de Audita Sanidad; Berta Iglesias de Ecologistas en Acción - PACD; Alejandra Jacinto de la Plataforma Afectados por la Hipoteca; Carlos Sánchez Mato, ex-delegado del Área de Gobierno de Economía y Hacienda del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Presentación del proyecto fotográfico White Elephants, con Elise Fitte-Duval. En EVArganzuela [Sala grande] + info aquí!

23 NOV >

11:00h a 14:00h Taller Cocina tu Deuda, en Medialab Prado [Lab 0]. + info e inscripción aquí
12:00h a 14:00h Taller El Paraíso de la Deuda en Medialab Prado [Lab 1]. + info e inscripción aquí
14:30h Comida popular preparada por el taller Cocina tu Deuda en Medialab Prado [Patio].
17:00h Presentación del vídeo y repositorio Pincha tu Deuda, en EVArganzuela [Sala grande].
18:00h a 20:00h Mesa redonda Deuda, una visión global. Con Vincenzo Benessere de Massa Critica Napoli; Nicola Scherer del Observatori del Deute en la Globalització; Broulaye Bagayoko del CADTM África; Abdul Khaliq del Institute for Social & Economic Justice Pakistán. En EVArganzuela [Sala grande]
20:30h Fiesta Pincha tu Deuda, en EVArganzuela [Sala grande]

26 NOV > 19:00h a 21:00h Conversatorio Deuda, femenino singular en la Sala de Protocolo del Museo Reina Sofía.

Por otro lado, hoy es un día notable dentro de la campaña, llegamos al ecuador de la campaña, 20 días. Somos casi 60 las personas que apostamos por este proyecto, y estamos rayando el 50% del mínimo a conseguir. Mil gracias de nuevo por estar ahí, por vuestro apoyo y por vuestro compromiso.

Seguimos necesitando vuestra ayuda y apoyo para difundir el proyecto y conseguir el otro 50% necesario para la realización del proyecto. Si cada una de nosotras y nosotros, que ya hemos apostado por ello, le contamos lo genial que es este proyecto a nuestra vecina, a nuestro amigo del alma, a nuestro compañero de trabajo, a nuestra madre, al primo enrollado, y conseguimos que apuesten también por este proyecto, podremos llegar al mínimo necesario y, de paso, a un montón de gente maja con la que pensar y compartir ideas en el festival. ¿Os animáis? Nosotras ya estamos en ello. :) ¡¡Gracias!!


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