Njombe Beyond " 2nd life of plastic satisfies local needs"

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Finished 18 / 08 / 2019
£ 6,841
£ 3,328
£ 5,242
99 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 9


    We will include your name on the appreciation section on our website :)

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17


    Apart from including your name on our website, you will get the picture of a beautiful and unique sunset of Njombe.

    • Appreciation
    • Sunset
    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 43


    Apart from including your name on our website, you will get a video of the workshop in operation and the people who participate in the project.

    • Appreciation
    • Video
    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 85

    Object recycled in our workshop

    Apart from including your name on our website and the video, you will get one of the objects that will be produced in our workshop. You will be able to choose the one you like the most.

    • Appreciation
    • Video
    • Object recycled in our workshop +

      +You will get it before spring 2020. Shipping only includes Spain. Please, consider the carbon footprint of the transport if you choose this option ;)

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 213

    Give a name to the machines

    Apart from including your name on our website, the video and the recycled object, you will be able to choose a name for one of the machines; it can be yours or the one you choose.

    • Appreciation
    • Video
    • Object recycled in our workshop +
    • Name of one of the machines

      +You will get it before spring 2020. Shipping only includes Spain. Please, consider the carbon footprint of the transport if you choose this option ;)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 426

    Get to know Njombe and our workshop

    Apart from including your name on our website, the video and the recycled object, for the adventurous ones: stay in Njombe during 3 days, get a course on plastic recycling in our workshop and visit to the most special places in Njombe. Karibu!

    • Appreciation
    • Video
    • Object recycled in our workshop +
    • Stay in Njombe and plastic recycling course++

      +You will get it before spring 2020. Shipping only includes Spain. Please, consider the carbon footprint of the transport if you choose this option ;)
      ++Accommodation and meals for 2 people during 3 days.

    > 01 Co-financiers


21 | 08 | 2019

We made it!
After 80 days of campaign, the crowdfunding is over! In a constatn drip we got much more than expected, double of the minimum we needed!

The first weeks of the campaign were quite intense: we spread the word among relatives and friends, updated the social media, we were not very experienced with them, and contacted different media. Once the thermometer started going up and the media started publishing about Njombe Beyond, we relaxed a bit, until last week’s final sprint. Running a crowdfunding is an experience by itself and we will write in more detail about it soon.

We are surprised and super grateful for the support received and we feel a big responsibility for Njombe Beyond and for achieving, step by step, the goals and making Njombe a sustainable place.

We are happy to introduce you to….the INJECTION machine! It is slowly taking shape at Chuo cha Maendeleo workshop of Njombe! In the coming days, when the “changamotos” (challenge in Swahili, an everyday word) are solved and it is finished, it will be the first machine in our workshop.

Now that the campaign is over, we are starting to take care of the rewards; we will personally contact you for that 😉

From now on, we will communicate the project updates through the newsletter; so if you want to keep updated you can subscribe here

You can find us on social media:

And on our webpage you can also find information related to the project.

We say goodbye to this stage very satisfied and full of motivation (and with enough money 😉) to make Njombe Beyond a reality. Hongera!

Asante sana! Eskerrik asko! See you


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