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Materia Botánica: Exploring plant waste to dye

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Finished 04 / 01 / 2024
$ 250,120
$ 73,539
$ 303,947
91 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Make your contribution

    With this contribution you do your bit and help us to carry out the basic needs to launch this project.
    Your name or your organization's name will appear in acknowledgements in social networks and web.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be €2 instead of €10 (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 326

    Thank you - Postcard

    Thanks to this contribution we can continue researching agricultural waste materials to create.

    We thank you personally for your contribution:

    • We will send you a thank you postcard to your home address!
    • In addition, your name or your organization's name will appear as a co-funder in our social networks and web (if you wish).

    *Shipping to Spain included.
    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 3€ instead of 15€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 544


    By supporting us with this reward you also contribute to local textile workshops to continue preserving the craft:

    • Native merino wool socks, hand dyed with vegetable scraps. Ideal to go to the mountain in winter. Color, water effect or plain to choose **.
    • In addition your name or that of your organization will appear as a co-funder in our social networks and web (if you wish).

    *We will contact you to know your size, chosen dye and if you prefer the smooth or water effect color. You can find information about colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 5€ instead of 25€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 653


    With this contribution you help us to spin our own yarn of native merino wool and help to promote regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • ** Hank of merino wool from Extremadura flocks, hand-dyed with vegetable waste. Color of your choice.
    • In addition, your name or that of your organization will appear as a co-funder in our social networks and web.

    Each hank contains 100gr of merino wool. One end yarn, for needles nº5-6.
    We will contact you to know the chosen color. You can find color information in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 6€ instead of 30€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 761


    Thanks to this contribution you help us to continue researching agricultural waste materials for dyeing:

    • ** Silk bandana/scarf dyed with plants (fabric from recovered textiles)
    • Thank you postcard. **

    *Each bandana has a different botanical print, we will contact you to give you several options of shades to choose from.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 7€ instead of 35€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 979

    2 x WOOL SOCKS

    By supporting with this reward you contribute to the recovery of agricultural waste and local textile workshops to continue preserving the craft:

    • ** TWO PAIRS of native merino wool socks, hand-dyed with vegetable waste. Color and effect of your choice.
    • In addition, your name or that of your organization will appear as a co-funder in our social networks and web (if you wish).

    *We will contact you to know your size, chosen dye and if you prefer the color plain or with water effect. You can find information about available colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions, the real cost of this contribution would be 9€ instead of 45€ (depending on your province).
    Calculate it here

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,088


    By providing support for local workshops to continue preserving the artisan craft and helping to promote regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • Native merino wool socks, hand dyed with vegetable waste. Color and effect to choose.
    • Skein of merino wool from Extremadura herds, hand dyed with vegetable remains, color of your choice.
    • Your name or the name of your organization will appear as a co-funder in our social networks and web.

    *Each hank contains 100gr of merino wool. One end yarn, for needles nº5-6.
    We will contact you to know your size and chosen color. You can find information about colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 10€ instead of 50€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,305


    Al aportar con esta recompensa ayudas a que talleres locales sigan preservando el oficio artesanal y ayudas a promover prácticas regenerativas como la ganadería extensiva:

    • Gorro de lana merino, procedente de rebaños de dehesas extremeñas, teñido a mano con restos vegetales. Color a elegir.
    • Postal de agradecimiento.
    • Tu nombre o el de tu entidad aparecerá como co-financiador en nuestras redes sociales y web.

    *Contactaremos contigo para saber tu color elegido. Puedes encontrar información de colores disponibles y tallas en este post.
    Envío a España incluído.

    Recuerda que esto es una donación y puedes desgravarte hasta un 80% de tus aportaciones, el gasto real de esta aportación sería 12€ en vez de 60€ (dependiendo de tu provincia)
    Calcúlalo aquí

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,414


    By contributing with this reward you help local workshops to continue preserving the craft and help to promote regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • Merino wool balaclava (very soft), from herds of Extremadura pastures, hand-dyed with vegetable waste. Color to choose.
    • Thank you Postcard.
    • Your name or the name of your organization will appear as a co-funder in our social networks and web.

    We will contact you to know your chosen size and color. You can find information about available colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 13€ instead of 65€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,741


    With this contribution you help us to spin our own yarn of native merino wool in addition to supporting regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • 3 hanks (300gr) of merino wool from Extremadura flocks, hand-dyed with vegetable waste. Color of your choice.
    • In addition, your name or your organization's name will appear as co-financier in our social networks and web.
    • Thank you postcard

    *Each hank contains 100gr of merino wool. One end yarn, for needles nº5-6.
    We will contact you to know the colors chosen. You can find information about the dyes used in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 16€ instead of 80€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,849


    By contributing with this reward you help local workshops to continue preserving the craft and help to promote regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • Merino wool balaclava (very soft), from herds of Extremadura pastures, hand-dyed with vegetable waste. Color to choose.
    • Socks of native merino wool, dyed with vegetable waste. Color and effect to choose.
    • Thank you postcard.
    • You will appear as co-financier in the networks and web of the project.

    We will contact you to know your size and colors chosen. You can find information about available colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 17€ instead of 85€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,393


    By supporting with this reward you contribute to the recovery of agricultural waste and local textile workshops to continue preserving the craft:

    • 5 Pairs of native merino wool socks, to choose 5 color options, in plain color or waters effect, hand dyed with vegetable waste.
    • Thank you postcard.
    • In addition your name or that of your organization will appear as a co-funder in our social networks and web (if you wish).

    *We will contact you to know your size and colors chosen. You can find information about available colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 22€ instead of 110€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,611


    With this contribution you help us to spin our own yarn of native merino wool in addition to supporting regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • 5 hanks (500gr) of merino wool from Extremadura flocks, hand dyed with vegetable dyes. Color of your choice.
    • In addition, your name or your organization's name will appear as co-financier in our social networks and web.
    • Thank you postcard

    *Each skein contains 100gr of merino wool. One end yarn, for needles nº5-6.
    We will contact you to know the chosen colors. You can find more information about the dyes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 24€ instead of 120€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,481


    Thanks to this contribution you help us to continue researching agricultural waste materials for dyeing and give us the opportunity to share this knowledge:

    This contribution includes:

      DYEING KIT. Materials and dyes needed for the workshop.
    • You will appear as a co-financier in the networks and web of the project.
    • Thank you postcard.

    Workshop duration 2:30 hours, online format. In spanish or recorded with subtitles. We will contact you to know your availability for the workshop.
    Includes shipping of materials within Spain.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 24€ instead of 120€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,678


    By contributing with this reward you help local workshops to continue preserving the craft and help to promote regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • Jumper, knitted with merino wool from spanish pastures, hand dyed with natural dyes extracted from vegetable waste from agriculture. Color to choose.
    • Thank you postcard.
    • You will appear as co-financier in the project's networks and web.

    *We will contact you to know your size and the color chosen.
    Size available S-M-L. You can find information about colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 72,25€ instead of 215€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,678


    By contributing with this reward you help local workshops to continue preserving the craft and help to promote regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • Knitted sweater with merino wool from Extremadura pastures, hand dyed with natural dyes extracted from vegetable waste from agriculture. Plain knit, box neck. Color to choose.
    • Thank you postcard.
    • In addition you will appear as co-financier in the networks and web of the project.

    *We will contact you to know your size and chosen color. Available colors: Avocado seed (pink), Onion peel (green), Pomegranate peel (yellow), Onion peel (orange), Chestnut hedgehog (brown).
    Available sizes M-L. You can find color and size information in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 72,25€ instead of 215€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,678


    By contributing with this reward you help local workshops to continue preserving the craft and help to promote regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • Swan neck sweater knitted with merino wool from pastures in Spain, hand-dyed with natural dyes extracted from vegetable waste from agriculture. Color to choose. Swan neck.
    • Thank you card.
    • You will appear as co-financier in the networks and web of the project.

    *We will contact you to know your size and chosen color.
    Available sizes M-L. You can find information about colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 72,25€ instead of 215€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,004


    Al aportar con esta recompensa ayudas a que talleres locales sigan preservando el oficio artesanal y ayudas a promover prácticas regenerativas como la ganadería extensiva:

    • Jersey tejido con lana merino de dehesas extremeñas, teñido a mano con tintes naturales extraídos de residuos vegetales de la agricultura. Punto liso, cuello caja.
    • Postal de agradecimiento.
    • Además aparecerás como co-financiador en las redes y web del proyecto.

    Sólo quedan 2 jerseis disponibles: en color castaño, S o M (talla unisex)
    *Contactaremos contigo para saber tu talla y el color elegido.
    Puedes encontrar información de colores y tallas en este post.
    Envío a España incluído.

    Recuerda que esto es una donación y puedes desgravarte hasta un 80% de tus aportaciones, el gasto real de esta aportación sería 82€ en vez de 230€ (dependiendo de tu provincia)
    Calcúlalo aquí

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,004


    Al aportar con esta recompensa ayudas a que talleres locales sigan preservando el oficio artesanal y ayudas a promover prácticas regenerativas como la ganadería extensiva:

    • Jersey de cuello alto tejido con lana merino de dehesas extremeñas, teñido a mano con tintes naturales extraídos de residuos vegetales de la agricultura. Color a elegir. Punto liso, cuello cisne.
    • Postal de agradecimiento.
    • Aparecerás como co-financiador en las redes y web del proyecto.

    Sólo quedan 5 jerseis: en talla L verde, amarillo y rosa; en talla M castaño y rosa(tallas unisex)
    Contactaremos contigo para saber tu talla y el color elegido.
    Puedes encontrar información de colores y medidas de tallas en este post.
    Envío a España incluído.

    Recuerda que esto es una donación y puedes desgravarte hasta un 80% de tus aportaciones, el gasto real de esta aportación sería 82€ en vez de 230€ (dependiendo de tu provincia)
    Calcúlalo aquí

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,439


    Esta nueva recompensa al contrario que los anteriores jerseys, aún no está creada, es decir, tardará unos meses en teñirse, tejerse y ser enviada. La diferencia de cantidad a aportar es debido a que esta tirada de jerseys se hará con otro taller artesano que tiene mayores costes de producción. Este es el único jersey que actualmente puedes elegir en color y talla, los anteriores no quedan en todos los colores y tallas.

    • Jersey de punto perlado, tejido con lana merino de dehesas extremeñas, teñido a mano con tintes naturales extraídos de residuos vegetales de la agricultura. Color/talla a elegir
    • Postal de agradecimiento.
    • Aparecerás como co-financiador en las redes y web del proyecto.

    Contactaremos contigo para saber tu talla y el color elegido.
    Talla disponible S-M-L. Puedes encontrar información de colores y tallas en este post.
    Envío a España incluído.

    Recuerda que esto es una donación y puedes desgravarte hasta un 80% de tus aportaciones, el gasto real de esta aportación sería 95€ en vez de 250€ (dependiendo de tu provincia)
    Calcúlalo aquí

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,310


    By contributing with this reward you help local workshops to continue preserving the craft and help promote regenerative practices such as extensive livestock farming:

    • ** Jersey knitted with local merino wool, hand-dyed with vegetable waste from agriculture. Color of your choice.
    • Balaclava of merino wool (very soft), from herds of Extremadura pastures, hand-dyed with vegetable waste. Color to choose.
    • 1 pair of socks made of native merino wool, hand dyed with vegetable leftovers. Choice of 5 color options, in plain color or water effect.**
    • Thank you postcard.
    • You will appear as co-financier in the networks and web of the project.

    *We will contact you to know the color, socks and sweater chosen.
    Available sizes M-L. You can find information about colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 121€ instead of 290€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 9,791


    By supporting with this reward you contribute to the conservation of local textile workshops to continue preserving the craft:

    • 30 pairs of merino wool socks, hand-dyed with plant dyes. Color of your choice
    • In addition your name or that of your organization will appear as a co-funder in our social networks and web (if you wish).

    *We will contact you to know your size, chosen dye and if you prefer the plain color or with water effect. You can find information about available colors and sizes in this post.
    Shipping to Spain included.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 225€ instead of 450€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate it here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 26,109


    This contribution is intended for associations, groups of people or entities that wish to receive a practical workshop of natural dyeing in their space, online or in our workshop (Galicia).

    This contribution includes:

    • Materials and necessary dyes for the Workshop
    • Your organization will appear as co-financier
    • Your organization will appear as a co-funder in the networks and web of the project.

    *Workshop duration 2-3 hours, face-to-face/online format. Groups of up to 12 people. Language: spanish.
    Includes shipment of materials to a destination in Spain.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution in Spain, the real cost of this contribution would be 517,5€ instead of 900€ (depending on your country).
    Calculate this here

    > 00 Co-financiers

91 Co-financiers

1 collaborators

Show donors

$ 1,088

Ana Escario Chust

$ 6,310

Iker Ganuza Baleztena

$ 25,021
$ 1,088

Marina Perez Rodriguez

$ 653

Julio Gañán Aparicio

$ 2,393
$ 2,393
$ 979
$ 1,088

Alejandra Oliden Olivares

$ 2,393
$ 544
$ 979

Almendrehesa S.L.

$ 9,290
Support message:
El proyecto que Materia Botánica plantea es muy necesario: la puesta en valor de subproductos (antes residuos) agrícolas ayuda a contribuir a un modelo productivo más sostenible y a la economía circular y además permite el uso de alternativas a productos químicos que contaminan nuestro entorno y nuestras pieles. Si como sociedad tenemos alternativas saludables y sostenibles, ¿por qué no apostar por ellas?
$ 544

Juan Lorca Fisio

$ 6,310


Hace 1 year
Web design and development: We are looking for people who can give us a hand to develop the project website and maintenance.
We can offer exchanges as compensation, thank you!
Hace 1 year
Weaving shared knowledge: If you want to be part of a meeting point of shared knowledge where we will address issues related to the use of plants, craft and creative processes, the recovery of collective memory, from the point of view of sustainability and regenerative practices.
Whether you want to contribute your ideas, knowledge, propose an activity, or simply if you want to be kept informed of upcoming activities.
1 year ago
Desde la Sierra de Huelva venimos realizando hace años una labor de puesta en valor y recuperación de la lana local. Hemos creado la iniciativa "Lana Merimorena" desde la que realizamos actividades para visibilizar y difundir temas relacionados, realizamos actividades formativas y trabajamos junto a las instituciones locales para conseguir crear una red de personas/infraestructuras que nos permitan darle valor a lo que actualmente en nuestro territorio es un residuo. Así que estamos muy interesadas en crear redes de conocimiento compartido, como no! Enhorabuena por la iniciativa!
1 year ago
Hola! Muchas gracias por vuestro mensaje, aportación y palabras de ánimo! Me ha parecido muy interesante vuestro proyecto y me encantaría conocerlo mas de cerca. Seguimos en contacto por mensajes para crear redes, un abrazo!
Hace 1 year
Dissemination in social networks and media: You can collaborate with this project by helping us to share it in social networks and media so that it can reach more people. Thank you very much!

Link to the crowdfunding on Goteo: www.goteo.org/dashboard/project/materia-botanica-residuos-vegetales-para-tenir
Instagram of the project: www.instagram.com/materiabotanica_/
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/materiabotanical/
Hace 1 year
Marketing and communication: If you are an expert in marketing, communication or sales, we could really use your advice or help to get our product to market. Thank you!
Hace 1 year
Photography and video: If you are in photography, video or art direction, we are looking for people to co-create visual content with.
We offer exchanges, or cover production costs. Thank you!