Contributing $ 16
Clean World
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
> 807 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
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I book my hotel room with Las Kellys
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
We invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Center that we will hold in Barcelona.
You will get an exclusive t-shirt of Las Kellys and we will invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Centre that we will hold in Barcelona.
We invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Center that we will hold in Barcelona and we will include your name in the acknowledgments of the Reservation Center website
Clean World
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
> 807 Co-financiers
Clean World +
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
> 590 Co-financiers
Grand opening party
We invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Center that we will hold in Barcelona.
> 312 Co-financiers
Las Kellys t-shirt + grand opening party invitation
You will get an exclusive t-shirt of Las Kellys and we will invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Centre that we will hold in Barcelona.
> 54 Co-financiers
Great patron
We invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Center that we will hold in Barcelona and we will include your name in the acknowledgments of the Reservation Center website
> 07 Co-financiers