¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Together, we unearth the secrets of La Vinya de les Parets

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Finished 24 / 03 / 2025
€ 3.300
€ 2.800
€ 3.300
55 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    **Thank You for Your Support! Project Updates**

    With Your €5 Contribution, You Help Make Our Project a Reality!

    We sincerely thank you for believing in us and supporting our mission! 💛

    What Will You Receive in Return?
    Personalized Thank You: We will send you an email to express our gratitude for your collaboration.
    Exclusive Updates: If you wish, we will keep you informed about all project developments so you can see how your contribution helps us grow.

    How Will We Do It?
    Just leave us your email when making your donation, and we’ll be delighted to keep you updated on our journey!

    Thank you for being part of this project! 😊

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Gelida Castle Tote Bag 🏰🎒

    As a reward for your collaboration, you will receive an exclusive Gelida Castle tote bag!

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    **Mini Online Course on LiDAR Processing for Archaeology**

    With this reward, you will gain exclusive access to a mini online course specially designed to introduce you to the fascinating world of LiDAR data processing applied to archaeology.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    **Workshop on Archaeological Field Techniques**

    This workshop, combining theory and practice, will introduce you to the key techniques of archaeological fieldwork. You will learn essential theoretical concepts and apply them directly in the field, exploring methodologies such as surveying, excavation, and archaeological recording. A comprehensive experience to discover the fascinating world of archaeology!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Exclusive Visit During the Geophysical Survey

    As a special reward, supporters will have the opportunity to enjoy a unique visit during the geophysical survey at Vinya de les Parets. This activity includes explanations of the technical process, the chance to see geophysical equipment in action, and a deeper understanding of the importance of this project for the heritage of Gelida.

    > 14 Co-financiers

Gràcies, gracias, thank you, diolch!

21 | 02 | 2025
Gràcies, gracias, thank you, diolch!

Hem aconseguit l'objectiu! Gràcies a vosaltres, és possible!

Des de fa unes setmanes, ens vam embarcar en un projecte molt especial amb l'objectiu de reunir fons per fer una prospecció a la Vinya de les Parets. D’aquest jaciment se n’ha parlat molt, però se’n sap ben poc, i la prospecció amb georadar ens permetrà obtenir respostes que ens ajudin a establir l’estat de conservació, l'extensió del jaciment, i que, per tant, ens permetran fer una millor gestió d’aquesta vil·la romana.

Sabíem que era una gran aventura, però també sabíem que si teníem el suport adequat, podríem aconseguir-ho. Avui, tenim el plaer de compartir amb tots vosaltres que hem aconseguit l'objectiu del micromecenatge!

Aquest èxit no ha estat possible sense cadascun de vosaltres. Gràcies a les vostres aportacions, confiança i interès pel nostre projecte, hem pogut arribar a la meta que ens havíem marcat. Gràcies a tots els amics, família, gelidencs i gelidenques, companys de treball i d’oficina, companys de la professió, gent d'aquí i d'allà. Gràcies, gracias, thank you, diolch!

Cada contribució, petita o gran, ha estat una peça fonamental en aquesta gran peça del trencaclosques. No només ens heu ajudat econòmicament, sinó que el vostre entusiasme, els vostres comentaris i el vostre suport continu sempre han estat una font d'inspiració.

Els següents passos

La campanya va estar dissenyada en dos passos: un mínim que garantia la realització de la prospecció, i un optim, que ens permetia produir tot un seguit de materials de difusió a diferents nivells. Així doncs, deixarem la campanya oberta uns dies més.

Mentrestant, comencarem a treballar en el lliurament de les recompenses. Ens posarem en contacte amb vosaltres en breu per explicar-vos quan i com ho farem possible. També us farem saber el dia en què la prospecció es durà a terme, i, com no, ens assegurarem que tots aquells que hagin optat per la visita durant la prospecció puguin assistir-hi.

En breu, ens posarem en contacte amb moltes novetats!

De nou, mil gràcies! No podem agrair-vos prou la vostra confiança i el vostre suport. Junts hem demostrat que les petites accions sumen grans resultats.

We’ve achieved our goal! Thanks to you, it’s possible!

A few weeks ago, we embarked on a very special project with the aim of raising funds to carry out a GPR survey at the Vinya de les Parets. This site has been widely discussed, but very little is known about it. The survey will allow us to obtain answers that will help us assess the state of conservation and the extent of the site, enabling us to better manage this Roman villa.

We knew it was a big challenge, but we also knew that with the right support, we could achieve it. Today, we’re pleased to share with all of you that we’ve reached our crowdfunding target!

This success would not have been possible without each and every one of you. Thanks to your contributions, trust, and interest in our project, we’ve reached the goal we set. Thanks to all our friends, family, residents of Gelida, colleagues from work and the office, fellow professionals, and people from here and there.Gràcies, gracias, thank you, diolch!

Every contribution, big or small, has been a key piece of this larger puzzle. Not only have you helped us financially, but your enthusiasm, comments, and ongoing support have been a constant source of inspiration.

Next steps

The campaign was designed in two phases: a minimum target to guarantee the survey could take place, and an optimum target that would allow us to produce a range of materials for wider dissemination. So, we’ll be keeping the campaign open for a few more days.**

In the meantime, we’ll begin working on delivering the rewards. We’ll be in touch shortly to explain when and how we’ll make this possible. We’ll also let you know the exact date of the survey, and, of course, we’ll make sure everyone who opted for the site visit during the survey can attend.

We’ll be in touch soon with plenty of updates!

Once again, a huge thank you! We can’t express how grateful we are for your trust and support. Together, we’ve shown that small actions can lead to big results.


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