Incluir Para Crecer - Inclusive Economy Festival

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Finished 26 / 08 / 2024
$ 1,354
$ 1,083
$ 6,495
28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Thank you diploma

    With your help, this space for listening, connection, reflection and call to action will be possible! From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much! We will mail you a diploma thanking you for your contribution.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Online Course on Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities (in Spanish) + Diploma of Appreciation

    You will be able to access our Online Course on Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities and you will also receive a diploma of appreciation by mail. Thank you for making it possible!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Online Course + Mention of thanks on the website and final journal.

    You will be able to access our Online Course on Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities (in Spanish) and we will also mention your name along with a thank you on the festival website and in the final Journal. Thanks a lot!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 76

    Online access to the Festival + Online Course + Mention of thanks on the website + Mention of thanks in the final journal.

    You will be able to participate online, in all instances and activities in August and September. On these dates we will develop a listening space, a sounding board for voices from different parts of the world, mixed proposals for personal reflection, body exercises, journaling, creation techniques, spaces for conversation and exchange, working groups and an invitation to action. You will be part of a global network.

    You will also be able to access our Online Course on Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities (in Spanish), we will make a mention of gratitude on the website with your name and a mention of gratitude in the final log of the event.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for being part of it and making it possible!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 325

    5-Pack Tickets for Companies

    This contribution includes:

    • Pack of 5 tickets to participate online.
    • Participation in all activities to be carried out in August and September.
    Mention of the company's participation in the event and in the final journal.

    • Opportunity to develop teams, foster a sense of purpose and values of the company, alignment with corporate objectives, actively contribute to positive change in society as an added value.
    • Have the opportunity to participate in a program where they exchange and learn methodologies for inclusion processes in the organization.
    • Be part of a Global Inclusion Network.
    • Visibility and brand positioning

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 650

    10-Pack of Business Tickets

    This contribution includes:

    • Pack of 10 tickets to participate online.
    • Participation in all activities to be carried out in August and September.
    Mention of the company's participation in the event and in the final journal.

    • Opportunity to develop teams, foster a sense of purpose and values of the company, alignment with corporate objectives, actively contribute to positive change in society as an added value.
    • Have the opportunity to participate in a program where they exchange and learn methodologies for inclusion processes in the organization.
    • Be part of a Global Inclusion Network.
    • Visibility and brand positioning

    > 00 Co-financiers

28 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

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$ 11
$ 11
$ 22


$ 22

Carmen Sanguinetti

$ 108
$ 32

Federico Cosco

$ 325
$ 16

Pablo Viola

$ 76

Pablo Viola

$ 32
Support message:
Excelente iniciativa, muy bello lo que hacen. Crear un espacio donde todas las personas nos sentimos bienvenidas y desde ahi podemos construir una sociedad para todo el mundo

Laura Pastorini

$ 108
Support message:
Tu granito de arena SI es esencial para crecer inclusivamente.
$ 54
Support message: