Hospital in Syria

Finished 01 / 02 / 2013
£ 11,243
£ 4,990
£ 9,980
73 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Thank you on our web

    Your name will be on a list of friends of the Syrian people that we will post on the Union of Syrians Abroad web:

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 50

    Your photo on the "Friends of the Syrian people" board at the hospital

    Your name and photo will be on the hospital's wall, forming a big "Friends of the Syrian people" board + Your name will be on a list of friends of the Syrian people that we will post on the Union of Syrians Abroad web:

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 416

    Name of your institution on the hospital board

    The logo / name of the public or private institution supporting this initiative will be on the hospital thank you board + On a list of friends of the Syrian people that we will post on the Union of Syrians Abroad web:

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

Help fund the first orthopaedic hospital to treat the wounded in Syria

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Repairing the building
Repairing the wiring, changing the water and drainage installation, performing a closure on one side of the hospital
£ 1,663
Joinery installation, conditioning and equipment
Joinery installation, conditioning and equipment
£ 1,663
Pediatric and orthopaedic surgery equipment
£ 3,327
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
An Ambulance, 12-15 full beds, emergency room, two operating rooms (one for general surgery and other for surgical trauma), digital equipment, laboratory and pharmacy, rooms for medical staff (4 bedrooms)
£ 3,327
Total £ 4,990 £ 9,980

General information

For 17 months now Syrians have been demanding changes in the country, after decades of repression. Their demands have been met with unprecedented brutality. Tens of thousands have been killed and countless others are wounded. The situation is dramatic and there is a big need for medic care, especially for those in need of surgery.

In its last visit to the country, The Union of Syrians Abroad reached an agreement to open a hospital that specializes in surgery inside Syria. We need your help to get it up and running.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The hospital is located inside Syria, one kilometre from the Turkish border.

This will be the first hospital in general and orthopaedic surgery, to treat the wounded, especially those who have suffered amputations.

It will have an estimated capacity of 12 to 15 beds, plus an emergency service and ability to make timely revisions.

The requirements are:

A- Economic needs: It is estimated that for the implementation and operation the amount needed is € 20,000. This will include repairing the wiring, changing the water and drainage installation, performing a closure on one side of the hospital, joinery installation, conditioning and equipment.

B- Equipment Needs:

1 - An Ambulance

2 - Hospital Area: 12-15 full beds

3 - Emergency Zone

4 - Two operating rooms, one for general surgery and other surgical trauma

5 - Needed equipment, new or used, digital if possible

6 - Laboratory and pharmacy

7 - Rooms for medical staff (4 bedrooms)

Why this is important

Help us if:

  • You have watched the news lately and found yourself shocked and horrified about the suffering of the Syrian people.

  • You have wondered "What can I do?" (There are many things we can do, and this is one of them).

  • You believe that medic care should be a universal right.

  • You want to help save lives.

Team and experience

The Union of Syrians Abroad ( was founded to meet the growing needs of the Syrian population. Delegations from all over the world travel to the country to help relieve the needs of those in emergency situations.

  • The Union of Syrians Abroad consists of people of Syrian descent from 21 different countries: France, Austria, Germany, Rumania, Spain, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, EEUU, among others.

It includes not only individuals but also organizations such as the Higher Commissioner for Syrian Relief (Arabic). It emerged as a response to humanitarian needs on the ground as a result of the regime´s crackdown against civilians. The hospital is one of the latest projects but there are many others that you can find on their website:

Contact in Spain: Nasser Oumer De Mora presidencia AT | spain AT

  • Leila Nachawati Rego: Human rights activist, member of the Spanish-Syrian community and the Spanish Association for the Syrian People (AAPS).

  • Thanks to Hemisferio Zero ( for his collaboration with the main video presentation.
    ** Pictures from FreedomHouse at Flickr under a Creative Commons attribution 2.0 license

Social commitment