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Hospital in Syria

Finished 01 / 02 / 2013
$ 297,541
$ 132,055
$ 264,109
73 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 550

    Thank you on our web

    Your name will be on a list of friends of the Syrian people that we will post on the Union of Syrians Abroad web: http://unionsiriosextranjero.es/

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,321

    Your photo on the "Friends of the Syrian people" board at the hospital

    Your name and photo will be on the hospital's wall, forming a big "Friends of the Syrian people" board + Your name will be on a list of friends of the Syrian people that we will post on the Union of Syrians Abroad web: http://unionsiriosextranjero.es/

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11,005

    Name of your institution on the hospital board

    The logo / name of the public or private institution supporting this initiative will be on the hospital thank you board + On a list of friends of the Syrian people that we will post on the Union of Syrians Abroad web: http://unionsiriosextranjero.es/

    > 01 Co-financiers

Gracias / Than you / شُكراً

El antes y el después del hospital / The hospital before and after / المشفى قبل و بعد

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Thanks to Initiative for a New Syria for their generous donation!!

We are very happy to announce that we just reached the minimum needed for the hospital in Syria, and we are about to hit the optimum.

Thanks to the Initiative for a New Syria for taking this campaign to a new level!

Initiative for a New...

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Unión de Sirios en el Extranjero: Quiénes estamos tras esta campaña para un hospital en Siria

Publicado por Nasser Oumra, de Unión de Sirios en el Extranjero:

Desde hace 17 meses los sirios y sirias reclaman cambios en el país, después de décadas de represión. Sus demandas han sido respondidas con una brutalidad sin precedentes...

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