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Finished 22 / 07 / 2022
$ 30,454
$ 21,592
$ 82,050
172 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Francina Rusqueta. From the village of Sant Hilari Sacalm, she was tried by the Inquisition of Barcelona in 1507.

    Inaugural vermouth the day we put the first stone of the social housing of La Renegà.
    Screen-printed cloth bag , which you will have to pick up to reduce the environmental impact and we will give it to you on vermouth day.
    Your name on the web. We will leave a space on the web where the names of individuals and groups appear.

    We consider the same reward for all contributions. We believe that everyone contributes what they can and we value it as the same effort, the same will and enthusiasm to support the project, regardless of the amount contributed. We want all of us to have the same benefits and rewards.
    “With this contribution of 20 € you will be able to deduct up to 80% in your 2022 Income Tax Return!
    More info here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Les Agudes, an area of ​​diabolical gathering in Montseny

    Inaugural vermouth the day we put the first stone of the social housing of La Renegà.
    Screen-printed cloth bag , which you will have to pick up to reduce the environmental impact and we will give it to you on vermouth day.
    Your name on the web. We will leave a space on the web where the names of individuals and groups appear.

    We consider the same reward for all contributions. We believe that everyone contributes what they can and we value it as the same effort, the same will and enthusiasm to support the project, regardless of the amount contributed. We want all of us to have the same benefits and rewards.
    “With this contribution of 20 € you will be able to deduct up to 80% in your 2022 Income Tax Return!
    More info here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 36 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    El Montnegre, an area of ​​diabolical gathering in Montseny

    Inaugural vermouth the day we put the first stone of the social housing of La Renegà.
    Screen-printed cloth bag , which you will have to pick up to reduce the environmental impact and we will give it to you on vermouth day.
    Your name on the web. We will leave a space on the web where the names of individuals and groups appear.

    We consider the same reward for all contributions. We believe that everyone contributes what they can and we value it as the same effort, the same will and enthusiasm to support the project, regardless of the amount contributed. We want all of us to have the same benefits and rewards.
    “With this contribution of 20 € you will be able to deduct up to 80% in your 2022 Income Tax Return!
    More info here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    Margarida Font, from the village of Montseny, was tried and died by hanging.

    Inaugural vermouth the day we put the first stone of the social housing of La Renegà.
    Screen-printed cloth bag , which you will have to pick up to reduce the environmental impact and we will give it to you on vermouth day.
    Your name on the web. We will leave a space on the web where the names of individuals and groups appear.

    We consider the same reward for all contributions. We believe that everyone contributes what they can and we value it as the same effort, the same will and enthusiasm to support the project, regardless of the amount contributed. We want all of us to have the same benefits and rewards.
    “With this contribution of 20 € you will be able to deduct up to 80% in your 2022 Income Tax Return!
    More info here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 324

    Na Peyrona, a foreign woman living in Centelles, was tried in that town in 1619. She died in prison.

    Inaugural vermouth the day we put the first stone of the social housing of La Renegà.
    Screen-printed cloth bag , which you will have to pick up to reduce the environmental impact and we will give it to you on vermouth day.
    Your name on the web. We will leave a space on the web where the names of individuals and groups appear.

    We consider the same reward for all contributions. We believe that everyone contributes what they can and we value it as the same effort, the same will and enthusiasm to support the project, regardless of the amount contributed. We want all of us to have the same benefits and rewards.
    “With this contribution of 20 € you will be able to deduct up to 80% in your 2022 Income Tax Return!
    More info here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 540

    Pla de l’Adrobau , space for a diabolical gathering in Montseny

    Inaugural vermouth the day we put the first stone of the social housing of La Renegà.
    Screen-printed cloth bag , which you will have to pick up to reduce the environmental impact and we will give it to you on vermouth day.
    Your name on the web. We will leave a space on the web where the names of individuals and groups appear.

    We consider the same reward for all contributions. We believe that everyone contributes what they can and we value it as the same effort, the same will and enthusiasm to support the project, regardless of the amount contributed. We want all of us to have the same benefits and rewards.
    “With this contribution of 20 € you will be able to deduct up to 80% in your 2022 Income Tax Return!
    More info here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,080

    La Morera, space for a diabolical gathering in Montseny

    Inaugural vermouth the day we put the first stone of the social housing of La Renegà.
    Screen-printed cloth bag , which you will have to pick up to reduce the environmental impact and we will give it to you on vermouth day.
    Your name on the web. We will leave a space on the web where the names of individuals and groups appear.

    We consider the same reward for all contributions. We believe that everyone contributes what they can and we value it as the same effort, the same will and enthusiasm to support the project, regardless of the amount contributed. We want all of us to have the same benefits and rewards.
    “With this contribution of 20 € you will be able to deduct up to 80% in your 2022 Income Tax Return!
    More info here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,699

    Elisabet Beneta and Elisabet Martina, of Seva, tried Seva and El Brull between 1618 and 1620. They died by hanging.

    Inaugural vermouth the day we put the first stone of the social housing of La Renegà.
    Screen-printed cloth bag , which you will have to pick up to reduce the environmental impact and we will give it to you on vermouth day.
    Your name on the web. We will leave a space on the web where the names of individuals and groups appear.

    We consider the same reward for all contributions. We believe that everyone contributes what they can and we value it as the same effort, the same will and enthusiasm to support the project, regardless of the amount contributed. We want all of us to have the same benefits and rewards.
    “With this contribution of 20 € you will be able to deduct up to 80% in your 2022 Income Tax Return!
    More info here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Two social housing for women in contexts of violence in the feminist housing cooperative of Baix Montseny

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
This contribution is the minimum we need to get from initial capital. We will complement what we lack with other forms of financing for one of the homes, such as subsidies and contributions to social capital.
$ 21,592
What we lack is the first social housing and the SECOND SOCIAL HOUSING
This contribution is the best we need to get the initial capital to be able to finance the two social housing.
$ 60,458
Total $ 21,592 $ 82,050

General information

La Renegà is a feminist housing cooperative promoted by a group of women who have a dream: to build a space focused on care, free from the dynamics of housing speculation and that can accommodate women who be in contexts of violence.

A space open to the local community ** and to the transformative experiences of the territory.

A reception space , able to express all the affections and make all the models of coexistence a reality.

Dreaming is free. Building the dream costs money and effort.

We are committed women and we work: internally, to take care of ourselves from the beginning, and externally, to seek institutional, social, economic support ... because freeing up private land, building with criteria of sustainability and offering shelter to other women goes beyond of us.

Against the obstacles that arise, against discouragement, against the voices that call us utopian, we continue to believe that it is possible to build our project and that it can be yours: the feminist housing cooperative in Baix Montseny with two social housing for women in contexts of violence.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

To renounce means to stop recognizing as our religious, moral or civil ideas or institutions from our own voice and manifesting it with acts.

La Renegà is a housing cooperative that sews feminism , the need for affordable and non-speculative housing for HPO , community living and weaving networks and putting care at the center . A project that makes our lives easier to live and that together we manage to make it sustainable and livable despite the fierce context ** in which we live as we push to transform a reality around us that makes us more vulnerable every day .

From feminism, and from the personal experience that drives us to create La Renegà, a fundamental force is this feeling of constant social vulnerability . The women who promote this cooperative feel the political and social responsibility to go beyond meeting the needs of the women who will live there, and from the mutual support, and our fragile knowledge and vulnerable, we want to build two social housing units to accommodate women in contexts of violence.
We are releasing private and speculative land and HPO and allocating it to two social housing for women in contexts of violence, helping to ensure coverage of the basic housing, maintenance and health needs of women and children and adolescents mitigating the effects that the violence experienced and a framework of structural inequality may have had on the access to resources of women and their children.

We want to offer a safe and welcoming feminist community that promotes the processes of recovery and empowerment for women in contexts of violence, formed almost entirely by women, and strengthens and helps to make these processes of transformation sustainable and more stable living projects in an environment of mutual care and recognition and a space where to weave bonds and be able to bond in the future without living in it afterwards.

We want a feminist housing that promotes social cohesion: we run away from concepts such as “recipients of help”, to talk about friends and neighbors , and that we are all a voice in the governance of the project in a space of feminist dynamism where to create a community of learning and personal, collective and community empowerment in the territory.

We want to be a Network of Mutual Support: we want to recover the relational and affective dimension of being well and we put care and affection at the center of our attention, with a network of care that extends beyond La Renegà , an expanded community where dynamics of cooperation and mutual aid are generated, beyond the resident members.

We want all spheres of our lives (productive + reproductive + community + intimate) to have the same value and this must be translated into a configuration of housing and relationships where it is given the same importance in all activities, finding the balance between daily life and getting involved in the struggles of the territory.

And finally, we want housing co-operatives to be more feminist and for this community model of care to be a reality in La Renegà and to help our experience serve to define sustainable models in financing, management and governance. and share materials, knowledge and lived experience.

So that other feminist groups can promote cooperatives like ours and because La Renegà is not just our home.

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Why this is important

From personal experience and from the Feminism that drives us to create La Renegà there is a strong sense of constant social vulnerability.

Somehow, the women who create this project feel that we have enough privileges to promote and fund a project as complex as this. And that, in turn, makes us connect with this feminist idea that either we all save ourselves or none are saved. And the two social housing shelters for women in the context of violence respond to this need.

These two social housing units are designed so that they can solve a need that feminist groups and social movements for the struggle for housing have identified for years : the greatest difficulty that many women have in access to housing and consolidating support networks around it given the situation of social and economic precariousness.

A project of this nature has the social responsibility to go beyond meeting the needs of the women who live there, but also to generate communities of mutual support between women with different needs and different realities. From mutual support, and knowing that we are fragile and vulnerable, and also knowing that there are women who are more vulnerable than us, we generate community spaces that solve basic needs that drive the social transformation of the territory and life.

The project is aimed at women who have suffered some form of violence and who need to be in a recovery space .

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Team and experience

The members of La Renegà have been working together since 2020 when the group formed by those who are building the project was set up. The seed of the dream was born in 2017 in Palautordera where we lived 3 of the members but also was born in the thought and heart of each of the other members, in Barcelona, ​​in Girona, and throughout Catalonia.

We receive support from Perviure, a cooperative that specializes in accompanying collective housing processes, and the Ateneu Cooperatiu del Vallès Oriental and other social and solidarity economy organizations that make our journey easier.

The partners are 10 women ** with different models of coexistence , we are diverse and intergenerational **.

Since the beginning of 2001 we have been working together in fortnightly assemblies , we are in constant contact and we are organized by commissions : care and cohesion, external relations, governance and legal, economic and architecture.

Each of the people who make up La Renegà come from different professional and personal backgrounds. From these diverse experiences come proposals that enrich and grow the common dream of all. We are women with experience and trajectory in the activism , in the struggle of the social and linked movements in different organizations of the territory.

Together we are facing the different obstacles that appear to us, together we share the uncertainties and concerns ** that appear in projects like this, where the personal commitment is very strong and the trajectory until we go to live together is very long .

We have desire, motivation and conviction in the bet we are making. Because we know we don't want to live any other way.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Affordable and Clean Energy

    Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development