Apoia a continuidade do Delas Fest!

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Finished 06 / 08 / 2020
$ 14,393
$ 9,816
$ 43,683
387 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    TAG: leave you mark

    Thank you so much!
    In appreciation of your collaboration, we will publish your name in the credits of the festival video, which we will share both on our social networks and website.

    If you prefer your contribution to be anonymous, please write to 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal.

    > 83 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 20

    STICKER ART: join the struggle!

    In appreciation for your collaboration, we will publish your name in the credits of the festival video summary. We will also send you a collection of feminist and combative stickers expressly designed for the occasion. If you prefer your contribution to be anonymous, please write to 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal.

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 43 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 28

    GRAFFITI: spread the word (option A)

    Brass mug, made in collaboration with Retropot for the limited edition "Somos As Donas dos Saberes da Terra".

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 28

    GRAFFITI: spread the word (option B)

    Organic cotton bag of the limited edition "Somos As Donas dos Saberes da Terra" silkscreen printed in Do Paraná. The bag has water-based ink degraded lettering and a fair trade certificate.

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 28

    GRAFFITI: spread the word (option C)

    Brass mug made in collaboration with Retropot with an original design for II Delas Fest.

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 71 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 28

    GRAFFITI: spread the word (option D)

    Hygienic eco-friendly mask produced with harmful-free ink in collaboration with "maskaeco". This exclusive and original design for the Delas Fest is washable and reusable because of its space for single-use filters. Each unit has a 30-day filter pack, certified by a laboratory for 90% bacterial filtration efficiency. It also has a double 1+1 layer of 150gr interlock mesh fabric. RPET 100% recycled polyester. Adult and child size.

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 35 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 42

    ADBUSTING: hack the speech (option A)

    Limited edition t-shirt silkscreen printed in Do Paraná with an original design for II Delas Fest. It's made of organic cotton and has a fair trade certificate. Different sizes and tight or loose fit.

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 42

    ADBUSTING: hack the speech (option B)

    Limited edition t-shirt silkscreen printed in Do Paraná with an original design for II Delas Fest. It's made of organic cotton and has a fair trade certificate. Different sizes and tight or loose fit.

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 66

    ADBUSTING: hack the speech (option C)

    Limited edition Art Toy of the Fat Crap's collection. Exclusive model for crowdfunding, signed by the artist. Every piece will be made out of polyurethane resin with colorful special pigments. Colours may vary due to the handmade production. (Size: 7 centimeters high, approximately).

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 110

    POSTER ART: frame your support

    Digital photograph of one of the pieces created during the II Delas Fest in A4 size and framed by Casal de Creación in a handmade way. You will choose your favorite from the image gallery we will share with you!

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 143

    POST-GRAFFITI: shake consciences

    Customized spray can as Art Toy. Each piece is unique and original, illustrated by a different artist.

    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 215

    POST-GRAFFITI: refine the technique

    “Tríptico de la señora de Bonaval” (2020). Photographic piece by Portuguese visual artist Maria do Mar Rêgo made during her period as artist-in-residence at Cuarto Pexigo. Signed and numbered, it is part of an edition of three copies plus two artist's proofs. Format 22 x 44 cm. Printed on Hahnemühle Photo Rag paper 308gr.
    Visit us at our office to collect your reward: it is the best option to avoid your carbon footprint! Contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal and we will arrange for delivery. If you live far away or cannot come to us, we will send the reward by mail, expenses included for destinations in the Peninsula. For other locations, write to us and we will talk!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 882

    MURALISM: expand the context

    Simple design wall in interior space, maximum 2 x 3 meters in dimension. For other formats, please, contact us at 7hcoop@7hcoop.gal. Take into account that the space to intervene must be located in Galicia.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,544

    STREET ART: sponsor equality!

    We will mention you as a collaborator in all publications and information related to the activity. Besides, we will incorporate your company's logo, if applicable, in all the graphic and communication material of the project. You will be a sponsor of equality!

    > 01 Co-financiers

387 Co-financiers

1 collaborators

Show donors

$ 28


$ 28

Carlos Campoy

$ 11


$ 11


$ 28


$ 11

Pepe López

$ 165


$ 165


$ 28
$ 11
$ 11
$ 42


Hace 4 years
Grúa elevadora: A realización dalgúns murais (os de maior formato) require de infraestrutura especial. Para nós suporía un aforro moi importante dispoñer dunha grúa elevadora durante o mes, ou, cando menos, parte do tempo que dura o festival ao menor custo posible.
Hace 4 years
Material para a realización das intervencións e obradoiros: Botes de pintura, pinceis, brochas, roletes, cubetas, sprays... Tanto a realización de intervencións artísticas en muros coma o desenvolvemento dos obradoiros de creación artística implican un importante investimento na compra de material. Se es unha empresa dedicada á venda deste tipo de produtos, a túa colaboración será moi ben recibida!
Hace 4 years
Aloxamento para as artistas: Seis das artistas convidadas a participar no II Delas Fest residen fóra de Galicia. Cada unha delas, desenvolverá a súa intervención artística ou impartirá o seu obradoiro nun dos catro concellos implicados.

Estaremos encantadas e inmensamente agradecidas cos establecementos hoteleiros (casas rurais, hostais, hoteis, etc) de Santiago, Ames, Teo e Brión que se presten a acoller ás artistas durante a semana que, cada unha delas, estarán no noso país.
4 years ago
Hola!! Soy Amaia de Cuarto Pexigo. Creemos que vuestro proyecto debe convertirse en un imprescindible en la ciudad, por lo que desde Cuarto Pexigo queremos apoyaros ofreciendo nuestro alojamiento como colaboración para que el proyecto salga adelante.