Contributing $ 11
Web shoutout
You will get a mention on
> 18 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
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You will get a mention on
You will get our acknowledgement and thanks on the website and material we publish, which you will receive via email. We will also send you a Copylove badge and sticker.
In addition to our thanks, acknowledgement on the website and materials, a Copylove badge and a sticker, you will get a publication about Copylove from the perspective of artist Efrén Álvarez. We will also email you the resultant digital publication.
By contributing this amount, you will receive an exclusive t-shirt, illustrated by Efrén Álvarez, as well as the published materials, a sticker, a badge, our sincere thanks and public acknowledgement on the webiste and digital materials.
With this contribution, you will receive 3 issues of the magazine ESETÉ, published by AMASTÉ, and KIT-KRAK's printed map, as well as the exclusive t-shirt with illustrations by Efrén Álvarez, the journal, the t-shirt, the badge, you will be mentioned in the acknowledgements and we will email you the resultant publication.
With this contribution you will get "Creación e Inteligencia Colectiva" or "Código Fuente: La remezcla" published by ZEMOS98, the DVD "La Escuela Expandida" and the exclusive t-shirt by Efrén Álvarez. And of course the journal, badge, and sticker. You will get a mention in the acknowledgements and will receive the publication on your email account.
A reward designed for collectives or communities. In addition to 2 Copylove sets (t-shirt + journal + sticker + badge), we will send a package of ZEMOS98 publications (2 books and the DVD Educación Expandida) and a ColaBoraBora set (5 issues of the ESETÉ magazine and KIT-KRAK printed map Prototipos para el Cambio).
We will present to you the conclusions of our research in a short-format workshop (only 4 hours long), where we will bring our ideas together to go on working on them. It will not be a 4 hour chat: we will activate some of the lines and concepts that come out during the workshop. A member of our team will conduct the workshop. Travel and accommodation are not included. This reward is perfect for conferences, workshops, collectives, meetings… We will also bring 10 Copylove packages (journal + sticker + badge).
Your logo will be shown at the bottom of the website and publications, and you will receive 5 Copylove sets (journal + sticker + badge) and the digital materials.
A COPYLOVE residence means working with the local community and all the work prior to it. This shortened version, of 2 days, will serve to share the conclusions and activate working groups which will develop and move along COPYLOVE's lines of work. With this reward, we will do some specific work in your community. Travel expenses, accommodation and meals for three people (from Sevilla, Barcelona and Bilbao) are not included. This reward is designed for cultural centres in general, institutions and spaces with the intent to activate, think and rethink their communities. Also included are 10 Copylove sets (journal + sticker + badge), and acknowledgements on the website and publications.
El próximo lunes, 9 de diciembre a las 19 horas, estaremos en una sesión abierta de #Thinkcommons para hablar de la investigación #COPYLOVE y de las razones que nos han llevado a activar esta campaña de crowdfunding. En la sesión participaremos Rubén Martínez y Txelu Balboa, coordinadores del proyecto junto a Sofía Coca, dispuestos a responder todas vuestras preguntas y resolver todas las dudas.
¡Recuerda! La cita es a las 19:00 horas, con una duración aproximada de una hora. ¿Nos vemos el lunes?
Los encuentros de #Thinkcommons ocurren on-line vía hangout (Google +). Puedes participar siguiendo el streaming del encuentro en .
Los hashtags para difundir o seguir ésta cita son #thinkcommons y #copylove.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Web shoutout
You will get a mention on
> 18 Co-financiers
Copylove sticker and badge
You will get our acknowledgement and thanks on the website and material we publish, which you will receive via email. We will also send you a Copylove badge and sticker.
> 34 Co-financiers
Copylove Journal
In addition to our thanks, acknowledgement on the website and materials, a Copylove badge and a sticker, you will get a publication about Copylove from the perspective of artist Efrén Álvarez. We will also email you the resultant digital publication.
> 23 Co-financiers
Exclusive t-shirt
By contributing this amount, you will receive an exclusive t-shirt, illustrated by Efrén Álvarez, as well as the published materials, a sticker, a badge, our sincere thanks and public acknowledgement on the webiste and digital materials.
> 38 Co-financiers
ESETÉ Magazine+ Kit Krak Poster
With this contribution, you will receive 3 issues of the magazine ESETÉ, published by AMASTÉ, and KIT-KRAK's printed map, as well as the exclusive t-shirt with illustrations by Efrén Álvarez, the journal, the t-shirt, the badge, you will be mentioned in the acknowledgements and we will email you the resultant publication.
> 02 Co-financiers
ZEMOS98 Book and Educación Expandida DVD
With this contribution you will get "Creación e Inteligencia Colectiva" or "Código Fuente: La remezcla" published by ZEMOS98, the DVD "La Escuela Expandida" and the exclusive t-shirt by Efrén Álvarez. And of course the journal, badge, and sticker. You will get a mention in the acknowledgements and will receive the publication on your email account.
> 10 Co-financiers
Packages for Collectives and Communities
A reward designed for collectives or communities. In addition to 2 Copylove sets (t-shirt + journal + sticker + badge), we will send a package of ZEMOS98 publications (2 books and the DVD Educación Expandida) and a ColaBoraBora set (5 issues of the ESETÉ magazine and KIT-KRAK printed map Prototipos para el Cambio).
> 00 Co-financiers
4 hour workshop
We will present to you the conclusions of our research in a short-format workshop (only 4 hours long), where we will bring our ideas together to go on working on them. It will not be a 4 hour chat: we will activate some of the lines and concepts that come out during the workshop. A member of our team will conduct the workshop. Travel and accommodation are not included. This reward is perfect for conferences, workshops, collectives, meetings… We will also bring 10 Copylove packages (journal + sticker + badge).
> 01 Co-financiers
Your logo will be shown at the bottom of the website and publications, and you will receive 5 Copylove sets (journal + sticker + badge) and the digital materials.
> 00 Co-financiers
2-day Residence
A COPYLOVE residence means working with the local community and all the work prior to it. This shortened version, of 2 days, will serve to share the conclusions and activate working groups which will develop and move along COPYLOVE's lines of work. With this reward, we will do some specific work in your community. Travel expenses, accommodation and meals for three people (from Sevilla, Barcelona and Bilbao) are not included. This reward is designed for cultural centres in general, institutions and spaces with the intent to activate, think and rethink their communities. Also included are 10 Copylove sets (journal + sticker + badge), and acknowledgements on the website and publications.
> 00 Co-financiers
Help us translating the resulting texts into English, Catalá, Gallego and Euskera. Some of the key texts will also be translated into English and rel
Sending the campaign and spreading it through people, collectives and entities that may be interested in COPYLOVE. Our intention is to widen the campa
If you use any of the already available proposed methodologies in your assembly, group, collective or community, it would be very welcome if you send