¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Construcción dispensario Senegal

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Finished 05 / 01 / 2017
€ 10.795
€ 7.000
€ 21.000
219 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Personalized Diploma

    We will send an email with your " Cooperating Diploma", welcoming your participation in financing the clinic. A nice forever souvenir

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Personalized Diploma and mention in social networks with your Toubab photo

    In addition to receiving the digital Diploma thanking your participation in funding the clinic, your name will be mentioned on social networks; additionally, you could have a your photograph with the Toubab logo.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Diploma, broadcast on dedicated networks and a signed Toubab photo.

    A photograph with one member of the Toubab team or someone from the local community carrying a blackboard with your full name and/or nickname. The photograph will be posted in our social networks and website. In addition, you will receive by e-mail a high-quality copy of the photograph ready for printing. You will also get a digitalized Diploma thanking you for participating in funding the clinic. The photograph on social media and website is restricted to only those donors that agree on the posting.

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    In addition, your name will be printed on the Toubab book and T-SHIRT

    In addition to all the rewards in the above categories. A personalized acknowledgement of the donor (name and surnames) in both the hard copy and digital forms of the book.
    For the first 15 a Toubab T-SHIRT.

    > 34 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    In addition, The Toubab Book

    In addition to all the rewards described in the above categories. Direct home mail delivery (postage included if in Spain) of the printed book with the photographs of the construction of the clinic and interviews, which are part of the collective reward.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Toubab Book and Invitation to the book presentation party!

    In addition to have your full name printed and receiving a hard copy of the book, you can come to pick it up personally the day of the book presentation party. You can then meet everybody in the Toubab team and get first hand details of the project. If you come you will also receive a Toubab mug.

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    T-SHIRT and Videoconference from Senegal

    We say HELLO from Senegal! Opportunity to participate during one of the visits to Sam Sam in a videoconference with the project participants. The visits are designed to monitor the construction, so you can learn first hand detailed information of the Project as well as its positive impact of the comunity.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    T-SHIRT and Cooperation workshop with Regina

    E-Workshop of 30 ' videoconference of the donor with the Toubab team, and the nun and teacher Regina, the local leader of the Project. She is the Director of the Women’s Center in Sam Sam and importantly our counterpart in this dream. Meeting her will be a life changing and your will know that your money is in good hands.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 750

    Your name and photo on the commemorative panel of the opening of the dispensary

    In addition to all the above rewards. The photograph of the donor will full or nick name on a designated place within the clinic. Your imprints will be forever part of the building. We will send you a replicate at home.

    > 01 Co-financiers

Mira nuestro vídeo de compromiso Toubab con la comunidad de Sam Sam

01 | 12 | 2016
Mira nuestro vídeo de compromiso Toubab con la comunidad de Sam Sam



Hace ya mas de una semana que volvimos de Sam Sam y los días se suceden en nuestra vida del Primer Mundo entre las prisas, los compromisos y la falta de tiempo que nos envuelve el día a día.

Pero no podemos dejar de pensar en las personas que nos esperan allí, a las que en un emocionado discurso les ofrecimos nuestra colaboración para cosntruir juntos su salud y su futuro. A las que pedimos que nos dejaran aprender de ellos para conocer mejor sus necesidades y adaptar lo que podemos hacer a su propia cultura, sin invadir su realidad, sólo trabajar conjuntamente.

En el acto de primera piedra del Centro de Salud de Sam Sam 3,¡no cabía un alfiler!, allí estaba todo el barrio, las mujeres, los niños, los jovenes, el consejo de ancianos y todas las autoridades locales entorno a una misma mesa con nosotros, un acto precioso y colorido donde incluso hubo que lanzar un pequeño discursito en un francés sentido mas que hablado.

Os dejamos con este discurso, en agradecimiento a las gotas, gotitas y gotazas que cada uno de vosotros habeis aportado, ya que JUNTOS es la palabra que una y otra vez repetimos tanto para la financiación como para la acción.

¡Un abrazo, Toubabs!


PD: seguimos necesitando llenar el vaso de agua...¿qué mas puedes hacer tu? 


Equipo Toubab


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