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Civic Practices

Finished 30 / 07 / 2016
£ 5,687
£ 4,585
£ 9,586
235 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8


    We will send you the book of Civic Practices in PDF (extended version) after it's published.

    > 39 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Book + ebook

    Printed book of Civic Practices + PDF (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 169 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 30

    2 Books + ebook

    2 Printed books of Civic Practices + 2 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 75

    5 Books + ebook

    5 Printed books of Civic Practices + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 167

    Lecture + 5 books + ebook

    1-Hour lecture about collective intelligence and collaborative urbanism (online) + 5 printed books + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 250

    Lecture + 10 books + ebook

    1-Hour lecture about collective intelligence and collaborative urbanism (online) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 417

    5 Enrollments in Civic Design course + 5 books + ebook

    5 Enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 5 printed books + 5 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 834

    Consulting + 10 books + ebook

    10 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 1,250

    Consulting + 5 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + pdf

    12 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 5 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 1,667

    Consulting + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + ebook

    14 hours of exclusive consulting by videoconference + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version).
    Expenses covered for Spain shipping. COD shipments to the rest of Europe (10 €) and outside Europe (15 €). NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 3,334

    Workshop + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course + 10 books + ebook

    In-person workshop of 2 days with 2 facilitators + 10 enrollments in Civic Design course (spanish and french versions) + 10 printed books + 10 PDFs (extended version) NEWS for the remaining 13 days of campaign: If you are in London, Paris, Milan, Brussels or Rome you can get your book for only 5€ of shipping

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Collective book about open and collaborative urbanism and civic innovation

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Printing of the book.
£ 2,501
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Management crowdfunding expenses
Expenses related to payment and the crowdfunding platform (Goteo and payment commissions like Paypal)
£ 417
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Book layout
Book layout by Lugadero as civicwise partner located in Sevilla.
£ 1,667
Spanish version
To translate the book into Spanish we need an additional print.
£ 1,250
French version
To translate the book into French we need an additional print.
£ 1,250
3 Shorts videos about civic practices.
£ 2,501
Total £ 4,585 £ 9,586

General information

CivicWise is an international community that promotes the development of collective intelligence in the field of urbanism, civic innovation and citizen empowerment.

CivicWise is also a meeting place and an infrastructure where people organize with others with similar concerns to launch projects, taking advantage of what others learned when confronted with the same challenges and doubts.

CivicWise is a library and a workshop, a classroom, a club, a group of friends and sometimes it could even be a bar ;-)

The CivicWise Community will hold a meeting in Paris between 16 and 22 May .

An invitation to strengthen our network, exchange experiences and knowledge, but above all to work together on new projects and others already ongoing.

During that week we will meet in a plaza in Paris to work hard and to enjoy the value and input brought by people from different countries.

The event we have called Glocal Camp will be financed from participants’ own means.

We want to celebrate the event with a documented book published showing the result of the work of many collaborators, and give the opportunity to meet a wide range of projects, spaces and people.

We invite everyone to collaborate by providing content around these three themes:

  • Physical spaces,
  • Projects around the world carrying out initiatives to encourage these practices,
  • Research on the subject.

We launched this campaign of Crowdfunding to finance the publication of this book, which we think may be of interest to many people. We like the idea that it is a collective book and collectively funded.

We also think that anyone can help, ….not only with money but with content and editing work.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

CivicWise would like to invite YOU to participate on an open publication on Civic Practices.

We seek to bring together actors, spaces, actions and research on open and collaborative urbanism and civic innovation.

If you want to contribute to this CivicWise Open Project please contact us.

We are looking for :




We accept contributions in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

This work will result on a book coordinated by CivicWise and published by Lugadero.


Why this is important

One of the main objectives of the CivicWise global community is to share knowledge to improve local action.

We want to create a lively and accessible database that can help anyone to find civic references and citizen initiatives. This book would be the first step on the process of the creation of that database.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The open call for editing this book is just a first step.

The aim is to get a first collection of examples to help us to set the framework and categories, then use it in building an online database.

Civic Practices book will be the result of an open call, which anyone can respond by sending its proposal, which will start defining the field of design and civic practices in a collective manner.

civicwise-sannas.png 2016-06-05-photo-183.jpg

Team and experience

CivicWise is an international community that promotes the development of collective intelligence in the field of urbanism, civic innovation and citizen empowerment.

CivicWise is also a meeting place and an infrastructure where people organize with others with similar concerns to launch projects, taking advantage of what others learned when confronted with the same challenges and doubts.

CivicWise is a library and a workshop, a classroom, a club, a group of friends and sometimes it could even be a bar.


Social commitment