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Boodaville Fundraising 2017

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Finished 21 / 03 / 2017
€ 3.390
€ 3.000
€ 4.500
62 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    Advance newsletter

    A thank you mention on the Boodaville blog, plus a subscription to the advance newsletter list to receive special offers and volunteer opportunities before regular subscribers.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Personal thank you and chance to win an A3 high quality print of your choice.

    For any donation of 15€ or more we offer you a personal thank you and mention on our supporters page. We also enter your name into a draw and you have a chance to win a high-quality A3 print of your choice by photographer and Boodaville supporter Bernat Rueda. (For every 20 people who choose this reward we will give away 1 print)

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Boodaville day trip - tour and lunch

    A day trip to Boodaville for one or two people including a full guided tour, question and answer session and a delicious and healthy organic lunch cooked in our outdoor kitchen. Choose your date, depending on availability. The site is 2.5 hours from Barcelona, near the town of Calaceite in the Matarranya region.

    > 10 Co-financiers

3 days left!

17 | 03 | 2017
3 days left!

We were exactly half way through the crowdfunding campaign when we heard the news about OJ and as you can imagine we have been mostly offline since it happened. Now we are starting to come back, and waking up to the realisation that there are 3 days left before all the effort to prepare the campaign either pays off, or turns to nothing. In light of what has happened we want to spend part of the money on supporting OJs family and creating a fitting memorial for him at Boodaville. We have until Monday please please help us share the project around and let's see where we can get to in these last days. A personal story or recommendation, and speaking to people individually really helps. Thank you so much for supporting us at this crucial time and sharing the campaign. (we can't edit it, we can just add news so yes, at the moment OJs name is still on the campaign)


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