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BASOA. House of the Defenders

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Finished 06 / 01 / 2022
£ 26,524
£ 18,693
£ 27,300
305 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Orouba Barakat, Siria. human rights defender

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Begoña Garcia Arandigoyen (Alba). EuskalHerria. internationalist defender

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 40 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Rosa Louise McCauley Parkas (EEUU). civil rights defender

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 62 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83

    Leonela Pesadilla, Filipinas. Defender against mining projects in her country

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 125

    Gauri Lankesh, India. Human rights defender and journalist

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 250

    Comandante Ramona. Zapatista

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 417

    Berta Caceres (Honduras). Defender of human rights, indigenous rights and environmental rights

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 07 Co-financiers

About this project

A solidary community, a transformative social movement

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
We need to prepare, above all, on the second floor (floor of the bunk beds) a bathroom with 4 spaces for toilets and 7 wells for washing. In another bathroom 3 showers will be placed. And in another one a large bathroom. To do this work, the old bathrooms have to be dismantled and new pipes for hot and cold water, as well as drainage wells, must be made. some cleaning of the other plants must also be conditioned.
£ 3,168
sleeping rooms
We need to condition the sleeping rooms (more than 15 rooms) and for this we need to buy (especially for the second floor where the bunk beds go) cabinets, bunk beds (15 bunk beds with two beds), blinds for almost all the rooms, clean the wooden floor and give it a coat of wood protector liquid. For the rest of the rooms, a bed and a wardrobe are needed, although we are trying to recycle as much as possible. For all this we budget a total of € 5475
£ 4,564
To be able to attend to the number of people that can be in the house at the same time on many occasions we need an industrial kitchen and a large space for the management, handling and production of the food product. That is why we are going to install a new kitchen, a countertop, an island and specific sinks for the kitchen and it is likely that at the end we will have to buy some other appliance such as oven, refrigerator and washing machine (an appliance that will be next to the kitchen even if it is not specific to it)
£ 4,160
Large pool
We have a very large pool with different depths that we are fixing and conditioning (preparation of showers, cement curbs, fix and condition the entry and exit of pool water
£ 2,084
Photovoltaic panels
The other energy field that we want to use is that of photovoltaic panels. Both this infrastructure and that of the chimneys are important and essential for the winter but we will classify them as additional not because of their minor importance but because of their less chronological urgency and with the hope that we will reach the maximum amount and be able to undertake the energy works as much as possible. fast possible
£ 3,605
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Other works
We are paying for some more specific jobs. The specific works that are framed in this section are the following: painting the house inside (ground floor, first and second), installation and electrical conditioning for new lamps and lighting (ground floor and second floor), Sewage channeling to the network general for what it has been necessary to rent excavator. This labor is budgeted at € 6,160
£ 5,135
From the energy aspect we want to be as respectful as possible with the environment, for this we will use two means, on the one hand the options of the house with its chimneys (4) and the additional construction of two Siberian chimneys on the ground floor. And on the other hand the installation of solar panels. In this section we budget the chimneys
£ 2,501
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Various materials
This section would include the various materials that have been used for some of the works (paint, cement, electricity cables, ...)
£ 1,667
Purchase of machines for cutting weeds and felling robust shrubs to clean the exterior of the entire farm where Basoa's house is located
£ 417
Total £ 18,693 £ 27,300

General information

• To be a living house that foments encounter and seeks the transformation of critical thinking on the basis of practice. Where good living is fostered from horizontal living together, feminism, eco-socialism, food sovereignty…
• To be a community house for the encounter of migrant and autochthonous “activists/defenders of rights”, whether in transit or permanently living there, whether guests or not. A solidary refuge that provides them with rest and serves as their rearguard, refuge and voice. Additionally, it is a space of training and reflection on how to achieve a just reception for migrants and refugees. And a school of experiences for learning new practices through contrasting and comparing the work of human rights defenders and diverse activisms, creating itineraries and circuits.
• To be an active space that foments encounter and seeks the transformation of critical thinking based on practice. Therefore, it is a space for the meeting of movements; a transversal school of the different social movements, which serves to advance in both theory and practice towards a new activism in the present context. For the confluence and encounter of social organisations – exchanges, meetings, workshops, courses, talks, congresses… Also workshops on agro-ecology, health, reception, civil disobedience… A permanent popular school that interacts and collaborates with other schools and workshops that have been working in popular education for some time.
• To be a junction-house where activism and people from Arratia and its surroundings can interact. A house where activism and the people of the valley/surroundings can come together naturally. And a space for coordinating the Artea Sarea network.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Basoa intends to enter into the philosophy of good living, combining solidarity and political practice with enjoyment and care. It will be a living house that will foment the transformation of thought on the basis of practice.

Basoa will be the community house of the defenders of human rights. It will provide them with a solidary refuge, rest, and the time and care needed to recover their voices, following the attempts to silence them in their lands of origin. We will protect the defenders of human rights with solidary action, but also because this is a form of confronting the system and making visible and denouncing the causes that have brought about the persecution or expulsion of these people.

Basoa wants to transform society, but it is also necessary to investigate, reflect on and divulge how it is to be transformed. To that end, it will be a permanent school for training new activism, based on popular training. It will be a space for the meeting of social movements and reception networks, for the exchange of experiences amongst those who meet there. Meetings, workshops, courses and talks will be held… and there will be a coordination space for Artea Sarea. Basoa will draw nourishment from the defence of human rights, civil disobedience, ecofeminism – which will be the fertilizer for our trees. The resulting forest will favour confrontation with the system, but not out of simple opposition, but instead by offering and experimenting with alternatives.

Basoa is located in Arratia and also wishes to dedicate the fruits of its trees to Arratia. Basoa aims to be a junction for activism in the area: a meeting point between agents and people from Arratia and its surroundings. Rooted in Arratia, it will focus on Euskara and Basque culture, but its goal will be cultural diversity.

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Why this is important

Aimed at all people, migrants, refugees, defenders and activists, wherever they live. Although the house is physically located in the valley of Arratia in Biscay, its vocation is to cross physical, mental and symbolic frontiers.

We want to reach all those people, organisations, communities and social movements that want to combine radical social transformation with an open challenge to established power, with the construction of liberated spaces and forms of life articulated from below, and by those below, in order to sow silent rebelliousness, outside the state and outside the market.

A free territory for building utopias, here and now.

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Team and experience

Our previous experience in the provision of reception is very big because our network, or team, in this project includes the people from the Artea Network, a network that has been receiving immigrants and refugees in different houses since 2016. At present they are currently managing the village’s tavern, which has a bar, a restaurant and a hostel. This hostel, together with a network of houses in Biscay, has cared for and provided shelter to over 700 people in recent years. That is why our experience in providing shelter is a broad one.

In addition we have an assembly and a working team distributed in different committees (finances, defenders, logistics, communication, calendar of events, energising team) that is made up of people with a wide experience of activism in social movements and organisations.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development