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BASOA. House of the Defenders

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Finished 06 / 01 / 2022
$ 34,355
$ 24,212
$ 35,360
305 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Orouba Barakat, Siria. human rights defender

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Begoña Garcia Arandigoyen (Alba). EuskalHerria. internationalist defender

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 40 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Rosa Louise McCauley Parkas (EEUU). civil rights defender

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 62 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Leonela Pesadilla, Filipinas. Defender against mining projects in her country

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    Gauri Lankesh, India. Human rights defender and journalist

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 324

    Comandante Ramona. Zapatista

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 540

    Berta Caceres (Honduras). Defender of human rights, indigenous rights and environmental rights

    • Visit Basoa: get to know the house, the vegetable garden and the project by visiting the space and having a snack and a chat with people involved. We will provide several dates over the year so that you can sign up for this.
    • Screen-printed bag. You will have to come and collect one, thus saving us the costs of sending out the bags and reducing the environmental impact, and we encourage you to come and meet us in person.
    • Your name will be mentioned on the Basoa website, we will generate an online space in which individual names and the collectives you form part of will appear.

    We propose to give the same reward to all contributions. Because we take it for granted that irrespective of the quantity of your concrete contributions, these have been equal in everything, in the quantity and quality of your sacrifice, desire and will to help us. Because we do believe that those who make a greater contribution, because they have more money, should receive more benefits, more gifts.

    > 07 Co-financiers
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Entre tod@s ¡se puede! Gracias por ayudarnos a lograrlo con Goteo
Tras 20 días de campaña, es momento de recordar qué más buscamos, aparte de dinero.
¡Qué nervios, ya casi lo tenemos!
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?
Mitad del termómetro logrado, ¡ahora a por el resto!
Haz clic para ver lo que vamos a hacer si logramos este crowdfunding.
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Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
Wow, donación de 1.000€ a nuestra campaña en Goteo, ¡mil gracias!
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!