Arquitecturas Colectivas

  • Contributing £ 8

    Handbook for the activation of urban spaces

    Digital self-print version of the Handbooks published by AACC on the legal aspects of citizen-led activation of urban spaces (you will receive the first versions, before they are released online). Unused Buildings / Vacant Blocks / Public Space / Rooftop terraces + your name on the list of supporters on

    > 41 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Hard copy of Handbook for the activation of urban spaces

    A hard copy of one of the Handbooks published by AACC on the legal aspects of citizen-led activation of urban spaces: Unused Buildings / Vacant Blocks / Public Space / Roof terraces + Digital self-print version of the handbooks + Your name on the list of supporters on

    > 47 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    Modulark game

    A didactic board game in which players can experiment with creative and self-management strategies using elements linked to architecture, energy, survival skills, and other factors. With its dynamic based on open source interaction among the players, the game allows you to design and share a project based on what life (or the cards) deals you. Chance and strategic skill will determine your ability to stay alive and remain productive. More info at http:/ + Digital self-print version of the Handbooks published by AACC on legal aspects of citizen-led activation of urban spaces + Your name on the list of supporters on

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 62

    Arquitecturas Colectivas, the book

    A copy of the Arquitecturas Colectivas / Collective Architectures book published by Vibok Works + Hard copy of one of the handbooks published by AACC on the legal aspects of citizen-led activation of urban spaces: Unused Buildings / Vacant Blocks / Public Space / Roof terraces + Digital self-print version of the handbooks + Your name on the list of supporters on

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 79

    Book and game pack

    The Arquitecturas Colectivas / Collective Architectures book published by Vibok Works + Modulark card game for experimenting with creative and self-management strategies using elements linked to architecture, energy, survival skills and other factors + Hard copy of one of the handbooks published by AACC on the legal aspects of citizen-led activation of urban spaces: Unused Buildings / Vacant Blocks / Public Space / Roof terraces + Digital self-print version of the handbooks + Your name on the list of supporters on

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 167

    AACC Presentation

    Information session to explain the features and the background of the Arquitecturas Colectivas network + Hard copy of one of the Handbooks published by AACC on the legal aspects of citizen-led activation of urban spaces: Unused Buildings / Vacant Blocks / Public Space / Roof terraces + Digital self-print version of the handbooks + your name on the list of supporters on (please note: does not include travel expenses for sessions held outside of the major provincial capitals in Spain)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 333

    AACC workshop

    Workshop on the use of the tool + Hard copy of one of the Handbooks published by AACC on the legal aspects of citizen-led activation of urban spaces: Unused Buildings / Vacant Blocks / Public Space / Roof Terraces + Digital self-print version of the Handbooks + the name of your organisation on the list of supporters on (please note: the workshop will be imparted by the developers of the software, but does not include travel expenses and/or per diems in the case of workshops held outside of Catalonia).

    > 02 Co-financiers

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04 | 07 | 2013

Hola ¿qué tal?

Acaba de finalizar la campaña de cofinanciación de la herramienta web de Arquitecturas Colectivas en Goteo. Una campaña con la que además de conseguir la financiación necesaria para poder mejorar la funcionalidad y usabilidad de la web como herramienta para el trabajo colaborativo hemos tratado de socializar, amplificar y ampliar el trabajo de este colectivo de personas que compartimos el interés por lo común y la construcción del entorno urbano de una manera plural y participada.

Han sido 80 días de campaña que nos han servido para (re)definir la red, retomar el trabajo de los grupos, dar a conocer el trabajo de las personas y colectivos que trabajan en su órbita, poner en marcha redes sociales y nuevas herramientas de comunicación, abrir y estimular el dabate, volver a encontrarnos, acercarnos a viejos y nuevos amigos...

Muchísimas gracias a todas las que habéis contribuido de alguna forma en la campaña; y gracias también a UNIA por seleccionar este proyecto y aportar su capital riego a la campaña. En el siguiente enlace podéis ver un resumen de la forma en la que se ha distribuido la cofinanciación del proyecto:

Ahora toca seguir tejiendo la red, trabajar desde el compromiso adquirido para convertir en una herramienta mejor y más fácil, y en un canal de comunicación autogestionado, atractivo y actualizado que sea referente en temas relacionados con formas colaborativas de construir y mejorar el territorio.  Para ello te recordamos que puedes rellenar este cuestionario que nos ayude a identificar esas necesidades y propuestas de mejora:

Nos vemos abriendo nuevos caminos.

Un saludo.


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