Contributing $ 106
For your collaboration we send you a virtual hug to your home.
If you come to visit the olive grove, the hug becomes physical:)
> 00 Co-financiers
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Adopt a landscape olive tree
For your collaboration we send you a virtual hug to your home.
If you come to visit the olive grove, the hug becomes physical:)
You will receive a personalized email with a high resolution photo of a nature macro so that you can print it or put it as a wallpaper on your computer.
With your contribution you will help to spread around the project
This reward includes:
With your contribution you will help to spread around the project
With your contribution you will help carry out the operations of study of wild plants and interactions with olive trees.
This reward includes:
Europe shipping Inclueded. For UK 5 euro shipping will be ask
With the adoption of an olive tree for one year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove and its ecosystem
This reward includes:
Europe shipping Inclueded. For UK 5 euro shipping will be ask
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive ecosystem for the immediate harvest
This reward includes:
Europe and Uk shipping only. For UK 5 euro shipping cost
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive ecosystem for the immediate harvest
This reward includes:
Europe and Uk shipping only. For UK 5 euro shipping cost
With the adoption of an olive tree for one year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove and to spread around the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape
This reward includes:
With the adoption of an olive tree for one year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove and to disseminate the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape
This reward includes:
Europe and Uk shipping only. For UK 5 euro shipping cost
With the adoption of an olive tree for one year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove and promote eco-rural tourism
This reward includes:
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove, to disseminate the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape, eco-rural tourism and gastronomic culture
This reward includes:
Europe and Uk shipping only. For UK 5 euro shipping cost
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove, to disseminate the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape, eco-rural tourism and gastronomic culture
This reward includes:
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove, to disseminate the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape, eco-rural tourism, gastronomic culture and the laboratory of Semi in Mente!
This reward includes:
Durante il lock down Pierfranceco e io ci ritroviamo in una casa di Lille, in Francia, per passare i mesi a sognare una realtà immersa nella natura. Ci rendiamo conto che abbiamo bisogno di recuperare la biofilia, il legame con il mondo naturale, ispirarsi, prendersi cura del nostor giardino interiore.
Da qui inizia il nostro viaggio verso l'Italia per trovare un luogo idoneo a materializzare il nostor sogno.
Dopo più di un anno di ricerche tra due stati, peripezie sulle strade della Toscana, veniamo catturati da un borghetto storico circondato da olivi e bosco su un passo della via Francigena, sulle colline di Lucca.
Inziamo a istallarci nella vecchia casa colonica datata del 1700, si risistemano degli spazi interni ed esterni per la nostra vita quotidiana, l'accoglienza rurale e le formazioni. Inizia il recupero dell'oliveto abbandonato coperto da rovi e piante invasive da più di tre anni. Nell'estate siamo investiti da un enorme incendio limitrofe che blocca molti progetti e distrugge alcune piantumazioni fatte in inverno.
Inziamo l'anno con il lancio della campagna di Crowdfunding per recuperare l'oliveto attraverso l'adozione a distanza di una pianta d'olivo, promuovere la custodia del paesaggio rurale e coltivare il benessere.
Te fai parte di questo processo. Camminando per l'oliveto presto saremo accompagnati da tanti amici.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
For your collaboration we send you a virtual hug to your home.
If you come to visit the olive grove, the hug becomes physical:)
> 00 Co-financiers
You will receive a personalized email with a high resolution photo of a nature macro so that you can print it or put it as a wallpaper on your computer.
> 00 Co-financiers
With your contribution you will help to spread around the project
This reward includes:
> 02 Co-financiers
With your contribution you will help to spread around the project
> 02 Co-financiers
COLLECTOR: savor the fine herbs of the olive grove!
With your contribution you will help carry out the operations of study of wild plants and interactions with olive trees.
This reward includes:
Europe shipping Inclueded. For UK 5 euro shipping will be ask
> 05 Co-financiers
OLIVE GROWER: Adopt and season your dishes!
With the adoption of an olive tree for one year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove and its ecosystem
This reward includes:
Europe shipping Inclueded. For UK 5 euro shipping will be ask
> 13 Co-financiers
OLIVE GROWER AND TASTER: Adopt and taste your oil!
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive ecosystem for the immediate harvest
This reward includes:
Europe and Uk shipping only. For UK 5 euro shipping cost
> 08 Co-financiers
GOURMET OLIVE GROWER: Adopt and savor your oil and your olives with the fine herbs!
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive ecosystem for the immediate harvest
This reward includes:
Europe and Uk shipping only. For UK 5 euro shipping cost
> 09 Co-financiers
RELAX OLIVE GROWER: Adopt an olive tree and increase your personal well-being!
With the adoption of an olive tree for one year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove and to spread around the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape
This reward includes:
> 00 Co-financiers
OLIVE GROWER RELAX EXTRA: Adopt an olive tree and increase your personal well-being!
With the adoption of an olive tree for one year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove and to disseminate the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape
This reward includes:
Europe and Uk shipping only. For UK 5 euro shipping cost
> 00 Co-financiers
OLIVE GROWER DIRECT: Stay in the rural house and visit your olive tree!
With the adoption of an olive tree for one year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove and promote eco-rural tourism
This reward includes:
> 01 Co-financiers
GOURMET RELAX OLIVE GROWER: Adopt an olive tree and pamper yourself at home with a box of products!!!
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove, to disseminate the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape, eco-rural tourism and gastronomic culture
This reward includes:
Europe and Uk shipping only. For UK 5 euro shipping cost
> 02 Co-financiers
OLIVICULTOR DIRECT GOURMET: Stay in the rural house and taste the olive grove!
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove, to disseminate the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape, eco-rural tourism and gastronomic culture
This reward includes:
> 01 Co-financiers
OLIVICULTOR DIRECT SEMI IN MENTE: Stay in the rural house, relax and savor the olive grove!
With the adoption of an olive tree for a year you will contribute to carry out the recovery operations of the olive grove, to disseminate the project of personal well-being in contact with the landscape, eco-rural tourism, gastronomic culture and the laboratory of Semi in Mente!
This reward includes:
> 00 Co-financiers
Haría falta la ayuda de una persona que maneja el mundo de las comunicaciones y marketing social digital para alcanzar un público mayor de personas
La ayuda de una persona con experiencia en la gestión sostenible de pastos y sistemas mixtos (bosques, olivares, pastos, bosques comestibles) con cab