Contributing $ 5
5€ Thank you message
For us, any contributions is very important, that's why by collaborating with our project you will receive an individual recognition from the heart and soul of Periferia Cimarronas.
> 06 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Periferia Cimarronas
For us, any contributions is very important, that's why by collaborating with our project you will receive an individual recognition from the heart and soul of Periferia Cimarronas.
Special digitised edition of the text No es país para negras with images and comments by the author Silvia Albert Sopale.
3 stickers representing the images of the heart of the Cimarronas Periphery:
Afro-descendant cut-out dolls printed on an A3 sheet, for kids and adults, of course!
This unique product has been designed by the illustrator La Flor del Tamarindo.
Choose your favourite one!
4 Waterproof coasters made with recycled African fabrics. 10cmx10cm.
Made by women from the Asociación ADAAM.
Part of your contribution will go towards the cost of materials and creation of the coasters.
Choose your favourite one, all of the same design or all different!
Radio Africa Review is a digitised thematic review of the last few years of the Magazine.
Conversations, articles and essays on blackness, African and black feminisms, the black imaginary at anthropology, aesthetic oppression and resistance, or racism and political and social anti-racism...
A total of twenty-two immersions that weave together stories from the past and present (and future) of the African diaspora.
tania adam
rahmata dem njie, jenny omoruyi
©phumzile khanyile
What's behind the series?
The New Voices New Futures collective has donated a PDF guide that helps viewers of TV programmes/series to analyse what they are watching from a diversity perspective, the guide explains how to determine if the content being watched is racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Roma or discriminatory against any group of people considered as "others".
The theatre company No es país para negras compiles its first three plays:
This special edition includes photos, comments and anecdotes about the plays.
Cloth tote bag with the design of Erzulie, the spirit of Periferia Cimarronas, defender of girls, mothers, LGTBIQ+ community and the goddess of REVOLUTIONARY LOVE.
Designed by La Flor del Tamarindo, manufactured and screen printed by the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona.
Available in blue, yellow, green and black, choose your colour!
Collaborative fanzine in which you will find diverse poetics of escapism and black futures.
Coordinated by Iki Yos Piña Narváez and Guariota Fátima of Black Hole Black Time.
T-shirt for kids with the design of Erzulie, the spirit of Periferia Cimarronas, defender of girls, mothers, the LGTBIQ+ community and the goddess of REVOLUTIONARY LOVE.
Designed by La Flor del Tamarindo, manufactured and screen printed by the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona.
Available in green, pink, blue and yellow, choose your colour!
Check available sizes!
T-shirt with the design of Erzulie, the spirit of Periferia Cimarronas, defender of girls, mothers, LGTBIQ+ community and the goddess of REVOLUTIONARY LOVE.
Designed by La Flor del Tamarindo, manufactured and screen printed by the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona.
Sizes: XS - S - M - L - XL - XXL
Available in white, black, dark red, green and yellow.
Sweatshirt with the design of the touba coffee peddler.
Designed by La Flor del Tamarindo, manufactured and screen-printed by the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona.
Sizes: S - M - L - XL
Available in black, dark red, yellow and blue.
6 tickets for the theatrical shows that will take place in the premises of the Cooperativa Periferia Cimarronas located in Sants (Barcelona).
Valid for 1 year.
Choose 3 rewards among the following options:
T-shirt, Tote Bag, Children's T-shirt, New Voices New Futures Guide, Radio África Review, Compilation No es país para negras or Waterproof Coasters.
This pack includes our Thank You message, 3 Periferia Cimarronas stickers and shipping within Spain.
Choose 3 rewards among the following options:
Sweatshirt, Bag, Children's T-shirt, New Voices New Futures Guide, Blackzine, Pack of 4 cut-out dolls, No Country for Blacks compilation or Waterproof Coasters.
This pack includes our Thank you message, 3 Periferia Cimarronas stickers and shipping within Spain.
Africa’s map puzzle to entertain yourself learning the geography of the continent with an incredible natural, cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity.
Made of wood. 1m x 1,20m.
Part of your contribution will go towards the cost of materials and to pay the socially disadvantaged people who will make this super puzzle.
Lithography, collage and drawing. 102x72 cm.
Ayllu collective donates this work, which has been exhibited at the Museo Reina Sofia and the Biennale of Sidney, among other places.
(Cash on delivery)
Acrylic painting on paper. 93,5cm x 70cm.
Work donated by the artist Bianca Batlle Nguema.
This unique painting was the artist's first professional work as a muralist.
(Cash on delivery)
More than a cultural space
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Minimum | Optimum |
Plumbing and drainage
With this money we will build the necessary installations for 3 toilets, two for the audience and one for the crew and performers. This involves installing the pipes that will supply hot and cold sanitary water to our bathrooms. It will also be necessary to repair and modify the drain pipes on the roof.
$ 3,810 | |
As you can imagine, a venue of this nature requires good soundproofing of the whole space: theatre, shop and café.
Creating acoustic insulation within the walls is essential to improve the sound quality inside the premises and also to avoid noise pollution outside the premises.
We are responsible and we will be good neighbours to all the residents of our neighbourhood.
$ 18,506 | |
Total | $ 3,810 | $ 22,316 |
It is undoubtedly true that culture is a great tool for social transformation. Therefore, for many years we have dreamed of a space for collective and creative construction, a space that promotes participation and sharing between different artistic and cultural disciplines from an Afrocentric and Afrofeminist point of view.
Cooperativa Periferia Cimarronas have found a building, located in Sants neighborhood in Barcelona, that has the potential to turn our dream into reality. We are now committed to transforming the building into a living cultural centre; a place of discovery, recognition, participation, a place where knowledge and skills can be exchanged, a place that promotes social empowerment and culture sharing, based on founding principles of self-empowerement, mutual support and the fight against all kinds of discrimination.
We are very excited about launching this campaign and bringing together like minded individuals to collaborate on building our dream; our unique place that will belong to each and every one of us.
Visit our website to become a member/sponsor of Cooperativa Periferia Cimarronas.
Let's think from the outer limits, let's take action.
In the premises of the Periferia Cimarronas Cooperative, located in the Barcelona neighbourhood of Sants, you will find:
There will also be a cinema, live music, workshops, talks and whatever we can dream up together.
Our objectives are aimed directly at Afro-descendant, African, black, racialised, migrant and refugee communities, and will have impact in the general population:
Born from the organic reflections and synergies that have arisen from a rich and diverse community of Afro-descendant people, the Periferia Cimarronas project will work with local, emerging or experienced artists in the city of Barcelona.
This project requires participation and contributions from all citizens, from all walks of life. During its lifetime the project will generate continuous opportunities for interaction between the general public and the creative forces behind the project, these interactions will be the manifestation of a pioneering cultural reality in Catalonia, Spain and Europe.
How will we distribute your contributions to our project?
For every 100€ raised in GOTEO:
This project brings together the knowledge and experiences of different people, professionals and collectives working on art and culture from an Afrocentric and Afrofeminist perspective:
Hibiscus Asociación de Afro Españolas y Afrodescendientes, founded in 2016 and the organiser of Black Barcelona Festival (since 2016).
No es país para negras, a theatre company created in 2014 wich has three plays in its repertoire: No es país para negras, Blackface y otras vergüenzas and Parad de paradme.
La flor del Tamarindo, created in 2016 by the illustrator Elizabeth Montero Santa.
Sindicato popular de vendedores ambulantes, promoters of the Top manta brand since 2015.
Karel Mena, cultural manager since 1992.
Silvia Albert Sopale, activist, actress and director of No es país para negras theater company.
Denise Duncan, director and playwright.
Sally Fenaux Barleycorn and Damian Sainz Edwards, filmmakers and creators of Black seeds.
Vicenta Ndongo, actress and teacher.
Our project aims to raise awareness among the general population about the risks implied by oppressions derived from racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, transphobia and homophobia from an Afrocentric perspective, contributing to the empowerment of socially discriminated groups.
Furthermore, Periferia Cimarronas is led by women, placing gender equality at the centre. We are working with an Afro-feminist methodology that values the knowledge and practices of women, men, trans and non-binary people, and highly values cooperative work, mutual respect and care.
5€ Thank you message
For us, any contributions is very important, that's why by collaborating with our project you will receive an individual recognition from the heart and soul of Periferia Cimarronas.
> 06 Co-financiers
Special edition of No es país para negras
Special digitised edition of the text No es país para negras with images and comments by the author Silvia Albert Sopale.
> 29 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Stickers (Includes shipping within Spain)
3 stickers representing the images of the heart of the Cimarronas Periphery:
> 28 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Afrodescendant cut-out doll (Includes shipping within Spain)
Afro-descendant cut-out dolls printed on an A3 sheet, for kids and adults, of course!
This unique product has been designed by the illustrator La Flor del Tamarindo.
Choose your favourite one!
> 52 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Coasters (Includes shipping within Spain)
4 Waterproof coasters made with recycled African fabrics. 10cmx10cm.
Made by women from the Asociación ADAAM.
Part of your contribution will go towards the cost of materials and creation of the coasters.
Choose your favourite one, all of the same design or all different!
> 35 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Radio África Review
Radio Africa Review is a digitised thematic review of the last few years of the Magazine.
Conversations, articles and essays on blackness, African and black feminisms, the black imaginary at anthropology, aesthetic oppression and resistance, or racism and political and social anti-racism...
A total of twenty-two immersions that weave together stories from the past and present (and future) of the African diaspora.
tania adam
rahmata dem njie, jenny omoruyi
©phumzile khanyile
> 10 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Guide New Voices New Futures
What's behind the series?
The New Voices New Futures collective has donated a PDF guide that helps viewers of TV programmes/series to analyse what they are watching from a diversity perspective, the guide explains how to determine if the content being watched is racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Roma or discriminatory against any group of people considered as "others".
> 33 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Compilation No es país para negras (Includes shipping within Spain)
The theatre company No es país para negras compiles its first three plays:
This special edition includes photos, comments and anecdotes about the plays.
> 94 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Tote Bag (Includes shipping within Spain)
Cloth tote bag with the design of Erzulie, the spirit of Periferia Cimarronas, defender of girls, mothers, LGTBIQ+ community and the goddess of REVOLUTIONARY LOVE.
Designed by La Flor del Tamarindo, manufactured and screen printed by the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona.
Available in blue, yellow, green and black, choose your colour!
> 53 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Blackzine (Includes shipping within Spain)
Collaborative fanzine in which you will find diverse poetics of escapism and black futures.
Coordinated by Iki Yos Piña Narváez and Guariota Fátima of Black Hole Black Time.
> 24 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Kids T-shirt (Includes shipping within Spain)
T-shirt for kids with the design of Erzulie, the spirit of Periferia Cimarronas, defender of girls, mothers, the LGTBIQ+ community and the goddess of REVOLUTIONARY LOVE.
Designed by La Flor del Tamarindo, manufactured and screen printed by the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona.
Available in green, pink, blue and yellow, choose your colour!
Check available sizes!
> 14 Co-financiers
Thank you message + T-shirt (Including shipping within Spain)
T-shirt with the design of Erzulie, the spirit of Periferia Cimarronas, defender of girls, mothers, LGTBIQ+ community and the goddess of REVOLUTIONARY LOVE.
Designed by La Flor del Tamarindo, manufactured and screen printed by the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona.
Sizes: XS - S - M - L - XL - XXL
Available in white, black, dark red, green and yellow.
> 65 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Sweatshirt (Including shipping within Spain
Sweatshirt with the design of the touba coffee peddler.
Designed by La Flor del Tamarindo, manufactured and screen-printed by the Sindicato Popular de Vendedores Ambulantes de Barcelona.
Sizes: S - M - L - XL
Available in black, dark red, yellow and blue.
> 26 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Theatre Season Ticket
6 tickets for the theatrical shows that will take place in the premises of the Cooperativa Periferia Cimarronas located in Sants (Barcelona).
Valid for 1 year.
> 44 Co-financiers
Thank you message + 3 rewards
Choose 3 rewards among the following options:
T-shirt, Tote Bag, Children's T-shirt, New Voices New Futures Guide, Radio África Review, Compilation No es país para negras or Waterproof Coasters.
This pack includes our Thank You message, 3 Periferia Cimarronas stickers and shipping within Spain.
> 22 Co-financiers
Thank you message + 4 rewards
Choose 3 rewards among the following options:
Sweatshirt, Bag, Children's T-shirt, New Voices New Futures Guide, Blackzine, Pack of 4 cut-out dolls, No Country for Blacks compilation or Waterproof Coasters.
This pack includes our Thank you message, 3 Periferia Cimarronas stickers and shipping within Spain.
> 04 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Africa Puzzle (Includes shipping within Spain)
Africa’s map puzzle to entertain yourself learning the geography of the continent with an incredible natural, cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity.
Made of wood. 1m x 1,20m.
Part of your contribution will go towards the cost of materials and to pay the socially disadvantaged people who will make this super puzzle.
> 03 Co-financiers
Thank you message + El Retiro
Lithography, collage and drawing. 102x72 cm.
Ayllu collective donates this work, which has been exhibited at the Museo Reina Sofia and the Biennale of Sidney, among other places.
(Cash on delivery)
> 01 Co-financiers
Thank you message + Bina
Acrylic painting on paper. 93,5cm x 70cm.
Work donated by the artist Bianca Batlle Nguema.
This unique painting was the artist's first professional work as a muralist.
(Cash on delivery)
> 00 Co-financiers
In order to provide light for our shows, we will need spotlights with diffuse and specific light. Seats
What would a theatre be without its seats, we would like to be able to seat 86 people.
We will need a computer as a basic working tool.
It will be essential for reproducing audiovisual products.
Another essential: a surround sound system.
Very useful elements for our bathrooms and essential for our dressing room, where we could build a professional dressing table
To open and close our shows we could really use a curtain.
For our customers to have a drink in the cafeteria as well as for spaces such as the dressing room, this furniture will be very functional.
In the cafeteria we will need a free-standing fridge to store food and a cooler to cool drinks.
To make the best coffees, you will need a medium-sized professional coffee machine.
A platform where stomp during our shows!
Black linoleum floor to cover our stage
We also need a professional light controller table