We promote innovation in the blue economy sector

BlueCrowdMED is a call for small and medium-sized companies, cooperatives, social entrepreneurs, civil society organizations and NGOs of the Spanish Mediterranean regions who wish to learn how to carry out successful crowdfunding campaigns to develop projects with social impact in the blue economy sector .

Some ongoing projects

Ecoruta en coche eléctrico por el litoral mediterráneo's header image

Ecoruta en coche eléctrico por el litoral mediterráneo


By: Asociación Mi ruta responsable

Una ruta 0 emisiones visibilizando proyectos turísticos de economía azul en el eje mediterráneo.

  • £ 17 reached
  • 04/07/2021 filed on

0% Funded

  • Obtained

    £ 17

  • Minimum

    £ 3,333

  • Optimum

    £ 19,579

  • 2 Co-financiers
  • Sevilla
Gregal Ecodesign - Ropa de baño hecho con redes y plásticos extraídos del fondo del mar's header image

Gregal Ecodesign - Ropa de baño hecho con redes y plásticos extraídos del...


By: Naiara Cáliz

Transformamos el tejido que proviene de redes y plásticos en bikinis y bañadores.

  • £ 1,666 reached
  • 30/07/2021 finished

112% Funded

Navega en verde por un futuro azul.'s header image

Navega en verde por un futuro azul.


By: e-Boats Experience

Construimos y alquilamos embarcaciones sostenibles y eléctricas, de Km y Mn 0.

  • Ecological
  • £ 5,732 reached
  • 30/07/2021 finished

117% Funded

RESCATAR un Paraíso: el Balneario de aguas medicinales de Pozo Amargo (Cádiz)'s header image

RESCATAR un Paraíso: el Balneario de aguas medicinales de Pozo Amargo (Cádiz)


By: María Cristina Todoli Raffin

Rescatar el Balneario de aguas medicinales de Pozo Amargo para la salud de nuestros mayores, reactivar la economía y repoblar la aldea.

  • £ 708 reached
  • 04/07/2021 filed on

28% Funded

Bluecrowd values

A/ Ecological footprint

A/ Ecological footprint

Ecological Footprint

Are we in time to reverse our environmental impact on the planet and preserve its regenerative capacity?

The environmental impact generated by human demand weakens the existing resources in the planet's ecosystems. Here we support initiatives to preserve the Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate its resources.

With the Gregal Ecodesign campaign swimwear was made with nets and plastics extracted from the seabed and with Lurgaia Fundazioa, 100 hectares were protected, replacing pine and eucalyptus plantations, restoring the autochthonous forest in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve.

Related Sustainable Development Goals:

Haz click para saber más

  • Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Responsible Production and Consumption
  • Climate Action
  • Life Below Water
  • Life On Land

Last news

Find out the latest news about BlueCrowdMED
Join us this June 14th at the final conference of the Blue Crowdfunding project
5 challenges for a sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean
Together we can achieve the sustainable use of ocean resources and keep our...
Joan B. Cabot
¡Conoce hoy los proyectos Bluecrowd!
Joan B. Cabot
Here are the 6 officially selected projects for the #BlueCrowdMED call!
Joan B. Cabot
Were you born in the Mediterranean? ⛵️🐬
Joan B. Cabot
Capacity Building of BLUE Economy Stakeholders to Effectively use Crowdfunding
Blue Crowdfunding
Joan B. Cabot
Blue Crowdfunding and Goteo Foundation
The social, economic and environmental value of the oceans
Joan B. Cabot

The programBlueCrowdMED Read the terms

Find out what's going to happen

Projects` reception

The call for pojects is officially launched


Selection process

The projects reception phase closes and 3/6 projects are selected to launch a campaign


Results publication

Selected projects announced


Professional follow-up and tailored advice

Preparation and follow-up of the campaigns with personalized tutorials.


Launch of the campaigns

The crowdfunding campaigns of the selected projects begin


Campaigns’ closing

Closing of the crowdfunding campaigns

Map of influence

£ 8,123
Money collected

Our promoters and collaborators

A project carried out by the following entities:

    • Cámara