🤗 Can you imagine if someone could take away the good moments and memories from you? Everything you have achieved, fought for with joy, danced with good company, and danced to your own beat... Fortunately, that is already part of who we are, along with the not-so-good moments, of course. As we approach the 23rd of July, we believe it is important to remember the primary objective of good governance, which should be the well-being and development of all citizens. From Fundación Platoniq and Plataforma Goteo, we want to keep dancing. So on this occasion, we invite you to appreciate and value not only the joyous moments in life but also the democratic process and the opportunity to participate in decision-making as a collective. In short and clear words: Let's keep dancing and let the revolution continue! 😜
📬 In this newsletter, we present a shelter project that aims to create spaces and job opportunities in rural areas for people to enjoy a fulfilling and dignified life. It is an initiative of community social work and educational support for individuals facing social disadvantages through the cultivation of social and community gardens. Additionally, we aim to establish a center that serves as a catalyst for critical alternative socio-economic initiatives, continually presenting proposals to civil society and institutions focused on building diverse development models based on the principles of social economy. We are loaded with enthusiasm and eager to keep dancing!
The Sarnago Shelter 🏡

💪🏼 The goal of the Asociación de Amigos de Sarnago is to transform the locality into a place where anyone interested can lead a dignified and fulfilling life. In the short term, they are launching various projects, with the most important one being the creation of a social and teleworking center with housing for individuals who want to work from Sarnago on a temporary or permanent basis.
🥰 Embracing the paradigm shift towards the inclusion of rural knowledge and ways of life is not only a matter of social justice but also the most creative way to respond to the current social, economic, and environmental crises. The key is not to replace one way of living with another since any singular approach would be insufficient and incomplete. Rather, it's about finding the healthiest and fairest balance among them all.
🏡 If you also want to take that small step towards a progressive revitalization and appreciation of our rural world, join us at goteo.cc/refugiosarnago.
Toma de Tierra 🐾

👁️ The project's driving team (La Dinamo Acció Social) has been working for about 15 years, both in professional projects of community social work and educational support for individuals facing social disadvantages, as well as in associative practices within social movements, following a dynamic of "militant research" and social involvement based on reflecting on practice and implementing thoughtful and critical initiatives, in coherence with the alternative model defended by the organization.
🤗 The objective of this campaign is to acquire a 2700-square-meter piece of productive land for a vegetable garden in Godella, located very close to the urban center and adjacent to other social and community gardens. Currently, they have been renting the land, but the owner intends to sell it. Having worked on it since 2015, with 8 years of ecological land cultivation, they see this as an opportunity before letting it go.
🌿 Therefore, the best option they have considered is to acquire the land they are currently renting, ensuring the continuity of their work and permanently reserving a portion of the Godella vegetable garden for ecological cultivation and social engagement. It is part of the change in goteo.cc/tomadetierra.
Support La Divergente 💭

🗣️ La Divergente Cooperativa was created a year ago to become a community social center. From the beginning, they have been committed to being a space for social interaction through culture, mediation, and the creation of collective community processes, becoming a "facilitator" movement that has fostered the generation of an alternative, self-managed, and independent culture within the city.
🫂 To continue their work and be a multiplier center for alternative social-economic initiatives, they rely on the collaboration of everyone. By continuing to generate critical associative networks that propose ideas to civil society and institutions, they aim to build different models of development based on the social economy.
😊 If you haven't yet heard about La Divergente Cooperativa but would like to be part of it and enjoy all they offer now and in the future, take a look and lend a helping hand at goteo.cc/ladivergente.
The Manifesto for Climate Democracy 🗳️

🚩 Climate change is not a possibility, it is a reality. But even more concerning is the slowness with which measures are being taken to mitigate its effects. This is the cry for help conveyed in the Manifesto for Climate Democracy.
🌊 Alongside the Marea Deliberativa initiative, we at the Foundation also believe that Citizen Assemblies are the key to addressing the climate emergency and other issues.
👉 That's why we, together with 17 organizations and unions, have launched the Democracy for Climate manifesto, which calls for expanding democracy to confront the climate emergency.
🌱 Today, we also want to invite you to read this new article featured in the Wilder Journal, which discusses the importance of citizen participation in decision-making regarding the environment and other social issues. We encourage you to sign it here as well.
Platoniq Foundation and Goteo Platform 🌊

If this is the first newsletter you receive, you will be glad to know that Platoniq Foundation is an organization working in the field of participatory democracy and social innovation. Its main objective is to promote and facilitate citizen participation in decision-making and the creation of collaborative projects.
🔥 The foundation develops various initiatives and tools to foster citizen participation and strengthen democracy. Among its notable projects is Goteo Platform, a crowdfunding and collective collaboration platform that enables the financing of social, cultural, technological, and environmental projects.
🌊 Through Goteo, Platoniq Foundation promotes citizen participation in the funding and development of projects that contribute to the well-being and advancement of society. This platform is based on the principle of "reward-based crowdfunding," where contributors receive rewards or benefits for their financial support.
🏔️ In addition to the Goteo platform, Platoniq Foundation organizes workshops, training programs, and outreach activities to drive citizen participation and collaboration in decision-making. Their focus lies in creating collaborative networks and communities that promote social innovation and the construction of a more just and participatory society.
🔄 We look forward to doing much more, and you can follow us to stay up to date on all our networks and pages: Platoniq (WilderJournal), (Twitter), (Facebook), (LinkedIn), (Instagram) Goteo (Blog), (Twitter), (Facebook), (LinkedIn), (Instagram)
And you?

Do you think that crowdfunding is not sufficiently known in your community or organization? Support us so that we can continue to disseminate our knowledge among initiatives that need financing and give a significant boost to their digital transition.
Do you think that crowdfunding is not sufficiently known in your community or organization? Support us so that we can continue to disseminate our knowledge among initiatives that need financing and give a significant boost to their digital transition.
🙌 Choose the reward in our campaign #Síguenoslacorriente and you can request a 2-hour digital session to introduce crowdfunding in your community.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!

Following our aim to help develop the commons economy and the power of open source tools, we are now members of Meet.coop! An online meeting cooperative that cares about privacy and allows people and organisations to have quality online meetings with ethical tools.