😒 "Maintain equidistance. Why delve deeper? Machismo and feminism are the same. Avoid problems and strive for balance. Down with homophobia and homosexuality. Extremism is bad. Don't be a radical." No. We haven't gone crazy, and what you just read is part of a song known for its ironic and humorous lyrics that criticize the false neutrality and lack of commitment of some individuals towards social and political issues.
😊 That's why we wanted to tell you that, regardless of what happens in institutional politics, we will continue to build a better world with all the projects that come our way. Would you stop moving forward on your way home just because a tree fell and blocked the path? Convinced that those who leave the main path for a side trail think they can take shortcuts and go around, we will keep moving forward, whether it's above, below, or cutting down the tree. Do you have zero evidence that we will achieve it but zero doubts? Well, hold our hand, because we're still moving forward.
📬 In this newsletter, we don't let the tree obstruct our view of the forest or the path. We are accompanied by initiatives from two social centers that bring together various local struggles (from urban Vallecas to rural Tabanera del Cerrato), along with a publishing house with over twenty years of experience in socially engaged culture and now with its own store. You know how it goes, step by step, we're taking it slow because we're going far 😜
La Villana de Vallekas 🏡

🏚️ Within La Villana, you can find a broad and diverse range of collectives involved in numerous struggles, such as popular education or educational support at Escuelita Villana, as well as the space for (self) political education, Escuela de Periferias.
🥰 It also encompasses neighborhood unionism (PAH Vallekas, Platform for those Affected by Mortgages), social ecology, agroecological movements, and the right to food (Bahllekas - Beneath the Asphalt Lies the Orchard; Huerta Pepines Consumer Group, Solidarity Pantry); community and independent communication (Radio Vallekas), the right to health (Yes to Universal Healthcare).
💪 Do you think that's not enough? Well, it is also a safe space for gender and sexual orientation diversity (Vallekano LGTBIQ+ Pride), therapeutic support for individuals facing economic difficulties (Bread and Roses), feminism (Lobas Vallekas), sports as a space for social transformation (Puerto de Vallekas Sports Club), and other groups focused on cultural activities or self-care (yoga and pilates group, Villano Film Series). The call to action is clear: if you value the hard work involved in managing such a powerful meeting place, lend them a hand and collaborate with their campaign at goteo.cc/villanadevallekas.
La Casa del Baile 🌿

👁️ After 10 years of participating in rural development projects related to the recovery of peasant culture and lost sovereignties, the time has come for them to have their own roof and a hearth where they can come together again, with all the people and associations that have been coming to Cerrato to share the Sovereignty of Joy.
🌿 If you are not familiar with "La Casa del Baile" but would like to get to know it, we invite you to explore it because, like you, they love the natural world, the orchard, oral tradition, the landscape and its people. They work on social, community, and agroecological projects, dancing to the rhythm of popular and roots music, inspired by poetry, art, culture, and enjoying sharing what you love and what you believe in with others.
🌍 Take a look and collaborate at goteo.cc/lacasadelbaile.
The Libertarian Cricket ✊

🗞️ In the year 2000, a group of action-driven individuals began shaping a store and distributor of anarchist materials in Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona). Thanks to the support of other collectives, they expanded their offerings with a diverse catalog of critical books for assembly-based and self-managed activism.
😊 With the same enthusiasm that led them to start and all the accumulated experience, they now aim to develop a new website that is visually clear, intuitive, and user-friendly for placing orders. It should also optimize the time required to maintain the online catalog.
✊ If you believe in the circular economy, striving to feed and be nourished by like-minded projects whenever possible, support the project atgoteo.cc/elgrillolibertario.
Goteo ft Decidim: Results Presentation 🤗

🤗 As you may already know, last April we launched the new digital platform Participa Goteo with the aim of creating spaces for collaboration, dialogue, and collective building of solutions to address social and economic challenges.
📰 Our first initiative in the participatory process was the presentation of eight proposals for the Solidarity Fund for the Goteo community, and it was a success both in terms of the diversity and quality of the received proposals and the level of participation! The three most voted initiatives were: Rural Communities Fund: 78 supports; Territory Regeneration Fund: 46 supports; CulturaCoop Fund: 43 supports.
🗓️ Therefore, we would like to invite you to participate in the results presentation session that we have organized to share the learnings from this initiative and the outcomes. The session will take place on May 31st at 6:00 PM. You can find all the details in this article here where you will also find the link to access the session. We look forward to seeing you there!
And you?

😙Do you think that crowdfunding is not sufficiently known in your community or organization? Support us so that we can continue to disseminate our knowledge among initiatives that need financing and give a significant boost to their digital transition.
🙌 Choose the reward in our campaign #Síguenoslacorriente and you can request a 2-hour digital session to introduce crowdfunding in your community.
See you in 15 days! 😜
That's all for now. We hope this newsletter has encouraged you to keep moving towards the society for all that we are slowly approaching. See you next time!

Following our goal of helping to develop the economy of common goods and the power of open source tools, we are now members of Meet.coop! It is a cooperative for online meetings that cares about privacy and allows individuals and organizations to have high-quality online meetings with ethical tools.