🌳 The philosopher recounts that, on a very cold day, he saw a group of hedgehogs that, faced with the need to get together to keep warm and not freeze to death, began to get very close, but soon they felt pain because of the spikes stabbing each other, which which prompted them to move away again. That is the (false) dilemma: die of an unbearable cold or get hurt by the proximity of others? The solution is not alien to humanity, because with dialogue and cooperation it is always possible to find that optimal distance between individuals and groups that, despite being different, are capable of understanding that the cold is the same for all, as well as the right to enjoy life.
📬 In this newsletter we want to talk to you about three projects that share that concern to find balance and preserve life above private, exclusive and lethal interests: a journalistic investigation to learn about the reality of the territories most affected by the war waged between Ukraine ; Don Mee Choi's artistic project to document and make visible the brutality of the Korean War; and the defense of a town against growth based on abusive construction. Because at any time and in any place it is possible to defend a vitalist proposal for society, we invite you to learn about and spread their projects. Thanks.
Close to the war: the other borders of Russia 💥

💥 This initiative wants to broaden the journalistic gaze and tell what part of the war reaches the neighboring countries of Russia such as Finland, or those nations that were part of the Soviet world: the Baltic countries, Belarus and Moldova. In addition, he wants to show the present of the territories that until relatively recently were on the other side of the iron curtain and still have a common history.
🎙️ As a collaborative project, it will feature two journalists who know the situation first-hand, who live in the Baltic countries and who will tell the stories in their native language, Russian, and will be translated into Spanish. These journalists had to flee Belarus due to the repression of President Aleksandr Lukashenko, who has been in power for 26 years and muzzles the press. The rest of the team is made up of journalists with years of experience in international coverage, based in Spain, who witnessed the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine.
👉 If you also see the need to journalistically cover more territories and tell the Spanish-speaking world how war is lived in that part of the world, you can collaborate in goteo.cc/cercadelaguerra.
Colonia DMZ ⚖️

⚖️ Colonia DMZ is part of Don Mee Choi's latest artistic project, where the author creates a hybrid text to document and make visible the brutality of the Korean War and, at the same time, chronicle her return to her country.
✏️ At the narrative level, she uses a transmedia approach accompanying her voice with that of various survivors and interspersing text fragments with typographical experiments, handwritten documents, maps, drawings, archive materials and photographs taken by her father.
👉 Thus, this poetic anthology explores the fragmented identities, the trauma and the processes of creation, diffusion and preservation of the memory of the division of Korea that was not only national, but also ideological with the perpetuation of violence and dehumanization in both. sides and that now you can help co-edit in goteo.cc/coloniadmz.
Help us defend the rural environment of Corró d'Amunt 🌳

🐥The promoters of the project are residents of Corró d'Amunt who want to preserve the rural identity of their town and prevent it from becoming a speculative urban space, protecting the rural future of one of the last agrarian strongholds of the Vallès.
🌱 What is at stake is a concept of growth based on abusive construction versus respect for the sustainability of a people; an imposition versus the will to participate in deciding which environment, which town to preserve, becoming a paradigm of the resistance of a unique environment, a legacy of its ancestors, we guard the present and future of the new generations.
👉 Collaborate, share and spread the sustainability of the rural world and its landscapes in goteo.cc/corrodamunt.
These are the 15 projects selected for PiztuMETA2022!🚀

The time has come to find out about the cultural initiatives that will be campaigned on September 29 and that will receive financial support from the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council!
There are events that, when repeated year after year, become milestones, one of these dates is the META! matchfunding call. After 6 successful editions with a total of 92 financed projects and €895,022 distributed, this program already knows how to generate trust, arouses interest around it and has already established itself in Gipuzkoa as a tool available to cultural agents to finance initiatives that are enriching and strengthening the local tissue.
Go into goteo.cc/lxs15piztumeta2022 and discover the 15 selected projects!
Journal: A deliberative process to unlearn 👥

🐶What would you think if someone told you that "walking the hills with the dogs" is the basis for creating a culture of participation and involvement in citizenship?
👥 Here we are not going to disembowel you (call it "spoiler" if modern is your thing) the mystery of this wonderful phrase that Oliver Escobar gave us in his interview, along with valuable reflections on deliberative democracy, public participation and democratic innovation.
😉 So if you want to know the answer, check out the full interview on A deliberative process to unlearn and share impressions on networks.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!

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