⛔️ Today, December 9, is designated by the UN as "International Day Against Corruption." At Fundación Goteo we believe that not taking an active stance against corruption is tacitly supporting it. For this reason, we promote resources, energy and initiatives throughout the year to tackle these abuses. Making them public, denouncing them and strengthening the democratic culture is part of our mission and you will always have us here to do it together.
📬 In this bulletin we travel through time and space to, in the first instance, save from oblivion the generations of the PCE who fought so hard for our democracy. Second, reflect on 15M to continue building on its achievements. And as a closing, be part of the international fight for human rights, supporting the making of a documentary about the Rohingya people, currently persecuted by the Myanmar army. We hope you find these campaigns as hopeful as we do and we make the saying valuable: "Lots of little people, in small places, doing small things can change the world."
Pariah of the Earth ✊

✊ The history of the PCE is exciting and provides a vision of Spain very different from the one we are used to. It speaks to us of a mobilized, rebellious, class-conscious people who have been capable of great feats, such as heroically confronting fascism, suffering the crude repression of the dictatorship, or taking to the streets en masse to fight for their rights.
🎬 In this documentary we understand the people as the true protagonist of their history and not as a mere spectator. It goes beyond the PCE environment, to a broad, young audience, hoping to provide a different vision than what we are used to.
✅ "Outcasts of the Earth" is a response to the forgetfulness and misrepresentation that it intends to present, even today, to the PCE and its militants as a danger to democracy, and you can participate in its creation by contributing to Pariah of the Earth.
15M The Podcast 📻

🗓 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the 15M, the citizen movement that filled the squares, the outraged response to a political class that does not represent us, the spontaneous camping that crossed the country in a transversal way and from north to south, from east to west but the fighting continues?
🗣 From Carne Cruda they want to make a podcast to find out what remains of that fight that called the crisis a scam, changed the media agenda, put the housing problem on the board, took Rodrigo Rato to court and entered the institutions to storm the skies but did it help? Did any seed sprout? Which of those struggles are still alive? Which ones gave up?
🎙 How will it differ from the programs you usually do? They will tell it slowly because they go far, they will dedicate 10 chapters to remembering, to analyzing where it came from, what it was and what remains of that social outbreak. Make it possible in 15M The Podcast.
Living without a country 🧭

🧭 Can you imagine what you would feel if your country was taken from you? If you were uprooted from the land that was always your home and that of your ancestors? And what would you say if the hopes of recovering it were getting farther and farther?
👥 This is how four million people live right now. Since 1978, the Rohingya people have suffered waves of violence by the Myanmar military and are living in exile today. More than a million survive in the refugee camps of Bangladesh.
👩🏻 Through first-person testimonies, we want to relate this genocidal persecution by the Burmese authorities. Crowded in the Kutupalong, Teknaf, Hakim Para and Balukhali camps, they await the resolution of the conflict, which depends, in large part, on the international community. If you want to help it become known to bring about a change, collaborate in Living without a country!
Agente de Cambio Matcher ✊

🧰 Are you interested in promoting a specific campaign, doubling the contributions it receives from the Goteo community?
💼 "Agent of Change Matcher" is a proposal by the foundation so that you, as an individual or entity that wants to contribute to projects that impact a specific footprint (social, democratic, ecological), can do so from the page itself.
🌼 We have just started, the options are varied and for the moment they have already joined the Ideograma initiative (consulting and advisory company in public communication) and Nanoma (study of design and creative communication and consultancy in civic crowdfunding).
♥ ️ Go ahead and become a Matcher Exchange Agent here!
Terminaron las campañas #PiztuMeta y #CanalFic

One more year we successfully carried out the #PiztuMeta Call! Over 60 days, more than € 140,000 was raised, of which € 70,000 will be contributed by the Department of Culture of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the rest by citizens, who have lent their support to the various initiatives presented.
The projects presented in the 1st edition of the CanalFIC! Call also achieved their objective, an initiative that makes € 8,000 available to finance ideas and cultural projects promoted by Fabra i Coats-Fàbrica de Creació i Center d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona ( FiC) and ICUB, in collaboration with Fundación Goteo.
Go ahead and launch your own call for projects that want to be co-financed through crowdfunding to get the necessary money, expand the community and make their initiative known to many more people.
¿Te enteraste de lo ocurrido con La Carpa de las Estrellas?

A #crowdfunding campaign can move mountains! This was the case this past week with goteo.cc/lacarpadelasestrellas when they obtained the support of a great council such as the Málaga Provincial Council.
Its managers valued the social utility, solidity and projection of the Malaga Circus School, for which they will manage from now on an emergency grant of € 30,000 so that they can continue with their work.
From here we once again congratulate and thank both of them for promoting such necessary projects. What else can we say? Long live #Crowdvocacy and #HazteUnGoteo!
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!